Hello, I'm leaving Siem Reap today to go to Phnom Penh. Siem Reap was a mix of amazing temples, tourist catered shops, bars and restaurants. I went to Siem Reap with one of the girls i met in 4000 islands Annette! We got the bus for the day across the border which was fine and I now have some more stamps in my passport it's looking pretty cool now!! We arrived at about 11pm and got a tuk-tuk to various guesthouses till we found a room! We stayed at the popular guesthouse which was a good choice not expensive and a really nice room with cable tv so we had chance to watch a few films!! As we got there late we just had a quick look round, the night life doesn't really close at all in till it's light outside so it was still very lively! We went to the shop and bought some water and I near fell over when I saw they had salt and vinegar crisps as in Thailand, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia and Singapore all they have has is Seaweed!!! Ewww! They were expensive but worth it!
The next day we decided to take it easy and just have a look round the city! We went shopping which was fun! Bought some presents for when I get to oz! And got another casio for nights out it's purple! After we had shopped out/run out of money we headed to a little cafe and played connect 4 and dominos lol! Chilled to the max.
After we decided to have a massage by blind people! It was an experience painful at points but it still made me sleepy and relaxed! They were really nice aswell so it was worth going!
We got back watched a bit of charlies angels on tv and then got a Tuk-Tuk to the sunset and Angkor Wat it was beautiful and we made it just in time!
That night we decided to have a quiet one as we were getting up for sunrise at 4.45am!! So we had a few drinks and a nice dinner and went home at 1.30 to be honest should have got back earlier because I was so tired! Oh well you only live once!
So 5am rolls and around and our lovely Tuk-Tuk driver Tam is patiently waiting outside. We driver to Angkor Wat which is pitch black, luckily I managed to pack my torch the night before. We headed for the pond opposite the building so that when the sun did rise behind the building we would get the reflection as well! To be honest it was gorgeous! We then headed around the temple which was so detailed it was hard to see everything. Next we went to the Tomb Raider temple and obv did stupid Lara Croft poses! It was my favourite building because it was a ruin an it had massive trees covering it, it looked like it was being swallowed by the trees!! It started to get warn at this point I have never sweated as much as I have in Cambodia I thought I had got used to the humidity but it was about 41 degrees with the humidity on top!! Ouch! So the last temples were hard to concentrate on because I was so hot and tired! Still impressive though!
We got back about 1.30 in the afternoon after being beaten by the sun! Had a well earned rest and watch tv. When we had recovered we booked our trips to our next destinations and went for tea! We went to this restaurant that had a show of traditional Cambodian dance! I really enjoyed it! It was very expressive and you could tell exactly what was going on from their expressions and the way they moved! Also I had the best meal it was pork loin wrapped in bacon with a cheese sauce served with veg strips of bacon and roasted potatoes! Ahh how I miss potatoes!
Later we headed to a bar called Angkor What? I think it was mainly full of English people and Australians. All the same a good laugh and after buying two buckets we got a free t-shirt! Almost and investment! Had a bit of a dance an headed back!
Today I'm heading to Phnom Penh, im going to there to learn about the history of the Pol Pots take over and the Khmer Rouge. It sounds pretty brutal to learn about so I have been advised not to go by myself as it's very upsetting.
Well speak to you soon xx
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