Hi everyone! At the mo I'm in Singapore it's nice but it's been raining the whole time! Although it is monsoon season so I should have been expecting it!! Idiot!
Not really done much here because of the weather but went to see hereafter last night it's wasn't great don't see it lol! Today got up sort of early and went to sentosa island which has lots to do but again it was raining and I felt pretty sick because I took my malaria tablets without any food! Threw up within half an hour! Gutted and a warning to all!!!
So I booked my flight to Indonesia tomorrow and I will be meeting a friend called Sarah who lives their, not sure how much there is to do in Jakarta but it's got to be cheaper than here!
I said goodbye to the rest of my tour group today charley who I stayed with sent me this message which sums up our time together x
sooooooo...... in the past 2 weeks we've had: short ripping tuk tuks, weird strong crisps, cocktail buckets, a million early mornings, non-sleeper trains, elephant riding, olympic kayaking, packing-unpacking-repacking-packing, all night toilet flushing, bad bartering, buddha impersonating, derka derka love, mud, ponchoness, michael ja...ckson, 7 hour bus city tours, innappropriate museum pictures, binocular stalking, dangerous reggae bar vodka, toilet hugging, popodom loving, non-flight booking, s*** showers, rank toe nails, c*** aces and 'friieeeend'
what a ledge time.
I'm very glad I found someone normal....haha
you take care, lots and lots of love, charleeeeeeeeeeyyyyy xxx
Thanks Charley!! X
- comments
Chaaaarrllleeeeeeeey I just re-read this and it made me smile A LOT. Hope everythings gravy and your having masses of fun. Miss ya love ya,xxxxx