Monday morning we were up early and on the road for 9 ish, only an hour later than planned. en route we stopped off to take pictures of mt. terinaki (nr egmond) and then carried on. We arrived in New Plymouth around 1pm and were greated by flic the girl i met in Australia.) She is living with grant clark from arnside and ben walker who was in the year above me from school. On arrival flic told us that she hadnt told grant we were going and so when he saw us he was well suprised!! It was good to see him and catch up. We had some lunch and then went to the local beach. Fact; around the area where they are the sand is black, and not golden!! crazy ay! On our way back we stopped off at an old volcano (only a small one)and were told we had to walk to the top for the views so we all did. half way up tho the steps turned to rockface and we had to climb up using a chain!! it was hard work, especially in flip flops but well worth it! After that we had some tea and then went to a local park where they had a lights show on. we met andy and chris, friends who grand had made whilst surfing and they came with us. it was good, there were lights and flowers and a movie on. only thing is my hat fell off into the water and got washed away!! never mind. we then had an ice cream and went back to the flat.
Tuesday morning we were woken early by grant as he wanted to get up and out to catch some good surf. (we were on the sofa cushions on the floor so it was inevitable that we would be woken) however it was at half 7 so that was a ly-in for us!! ben grant lou and me then went to the beach and the lads went surfing whilst i watched and lou sun bathed. We then headd back to the flat were we had some lunch and then chilled out for a while, meeting some more of their friends. We then went to the beach again for half an hour before setting off home. We waitd around as they were planning on going down the coast to a different beach but turned out they didnt so was a little wasted. the next day was grants birthday and he was having a pool party at a mates house but we had to get back to the farm for work...never mind! on the way back we stopped off at 'dawson falls' which was at the mountain we passed on the way there and got some great photos. there was a little walk involved which i found tough as i had burnt the bottoms of my feet from walking around on the ground with no flip flops on!! i forgot to mention that the weather was fantastic, 30degs plus i reckon! We then made our was back and returned at around 9pm. we had to then go to the next door neighbours as mary and bernie had friends over and we had been kicked out to the next door neighbours!! Joyce is late 60's and from america and a very excentric lady!!
Wednesday lou woke me up after she went milking and then we went back to mary and bernys for breaky. i didnt really do much apart from milking in the afternoon and then we had tea and back to joyces for bed. she was asleep when we got therewhich was good as it meant no excentric convos!!
Thursday again lou woke me after milking and we said our thank yous to joyce and went to the farm. again i didnt do much apart from milking apart from left babysitting while everyone was out. great fun...!! when we went out in the afternoon to milk mary berny and anna went away again to the lake house. they took with them marys aunty ruth from caton!! that night was a fairly quiet one.
friday i was up for milking with lou and i started weeding in the fields. i was sent off with a pick axe and some poison and shown which thistle bushes and rat weed (or something like that, i just call it f**k weed) were to be rid of. i did it for an hour or so then helped finish up the milking. then after breaky i was sent back to do more weeding before lunch. after lunch we headed out to the local town to look at some classic cars as there was a rally there. we got there just as some were leaving but saw enough! we were back intime for milkiing were, u guessed it, i was sent to week again for a couple hours before heading back to wash down with lou.
Saturday was a similar day to friday. up early, weeded, washed up the milking parlour had breaky, weeded had lunch weeded finished up the milking and then had tea. we hadnt prepared anything for lunch so decided to go get a take away. lou had a chicken buger and i had the delux burger. it had EVERYTHING on it. beef patty, steak, chicken, pineapple, beetroot, egg, tomato, lettuce and mayo. we shared chips but needless to say i failed to finis*** all! after ramsays nightmares i went to bed.
Sunday i was up for milking and finished off my weeding, making it a total of 3 fields (i reckon about 100acres!!) and then helped finish up with milking. (i say help, altho i think i hinder most of the time!!) we then set about planning some of our trip and started packing after wishing grandad a very happy birthday! we then went to milk and when we got back the family had returned, which meant i didnt have to cook tea for a change...yey!! we got everything sorted after tea and then just waited for EVERYONE to get out of my room. they decided to watch a programme on the spare tv in my room (there second lounge tho) and it lasted forever!! i went to sleep excited at the thort of being away from the bloody cats for a while as my allergy to them has been bad!
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