My European Escapades
Have I mentioned yet that I hate the pictures this website makes you choose from for your entries? Anyways, Saturday Shirlea and I made a day of Munich, Germany. We left school in the wees hours of the morning, and trained it the whole way, arriving in Munich at about 2:30 in the afternoon. After shopping for dirndels, we slowly made our way to Oktoberfest (this was the last weekend of it). On the way we stopped at St. Paul's Church - and it took us a while to tell if it was Protestant or Catholic. Oktoberfest was INSANE. There were literally thousands of people passed out drunk EVERYWHERE. The beer tents had been full since it opened at 8 in the morning, and it was unbelieveable how many wasted people were everywhere. American college kids think they know how to party, but this festival takes the cake for most disgusting display of ugly drinking EVER. The way the festival is set up is such that it's more like a county fair- there are ferris wheels, roller coasters, and other rides... which it may have been fun to go on if not for the fear of some plastered person puking on you. Shirlea and I walked through the fest for 30-45 minutes, bought a chocolate-covered strawberry kabob, and left to go shopping and see Munich. The kabob made it worthwhile and there were at least a lot of people to laugh at, especially men with very short shorts on their leiderhosen.
Sadly, we weren't able to find cheap Birkenstock's in Munich - they were 70 Euro in Germany, but we can get them at the shoe store here in Gaming for 40! We did however, find an H&M and I ALMOST bought myself my dream coat, but decided against it. We found a gorgeous cathedral. St. Michael's was in the Baroque style, but the entire church was white except for a gold high altar. It was absolutely breathtaking, the picture doesn't do it justice.
After we had dinner (menus were in German, so we guessed... and wound up with soggy salad and spaghetti with jalapenos in it. ha ha). We still had 3 hours until our train left, so we went back to the station and used our change to call friends and family from home... then we sat in a cafe and had a glass of wine. Funny how I went to Oktoberfest and only had alcohol in the train station. Oh well.
Our train ride home was an adventure - obnoxious drunk Germans kept waking us up asking us for a lighter, in a non-smoking car mind you. The only English they knew was "shut up" and "f*** you", (I'm guessing because those are the only English words spoken to them by other passengers) which they yelled every couple of minutes.
We arrived back at school at 9:30 on Sunday morning, exhausted but happy with our shopping achievements and proud that we survived the experience unharmed and without a hangover.
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