Claire writing: We were rudely woken very early (well, at 7:30am) by the phone alarm. It felt like before dawn, but it really wasn't. We all raced to be first up - well, I lay in bed for another hour and I think everyone else did as well. We had the same breakfast we had enjoyed for the last three days, although this time we had toasted baguettes (too small for the toaster) and chocolate croissant! I think Mere (French for mother) was trying to clear some older food out. Mummy here - I had bought the choc croissants as a bit of a treat the evening before - no old food here!
We were all a little tired as Mere (mother) had tried to send us 7 hours away for dinner the evening before. After more than an hour driving through the French countryside we ended up at a nice French restaurant in St Quentin La Poterie. However because we had been searching for the restaurant 7 hours away, we didn't get to bed until after dark (so probably after 10:30pm!).
We had plans to head into Uzes for market day. Unfortunately Rory didn't accept it was his turn in the middle seat in the car - even though it was. This caused a heated conversation everyone was involved in. When we eventually did drive into Uzes the normal Stanton navigation system meant we drove in circles for 20 minutes - even though we had two different GPS systems trying to guide us. This, along with Rory raising the stress levels of the whole family, meant we were all a little stressed and up tight - some of us more than others!
Rory here - Actually the other day Claire pushed me into a big bush with enormous thorns (while I was doing a wee) so Claire had 2 punishments for that, one was that Claire would take all my turns in the small bed and that she would take all my turns in the middle so I was forced in by everyone shouting at me. I didn't do anything after Claire squeezed my nose as hard as she could so that I couldn't breathe.
We eventually parked and found the market in the centre of Uzes. It was mainly a food market, along with some home furnishings like cushions. Soon after we arrived, the boys claimed to be too tired to continue. Mere (mother) and I left them in a café with two Cokes and a café au lait. Poor, tired boys. Mere (mother) and I walked around and bought some food for dinner in our Gite. Eventually we met up with the boys, when Mere (mother) had a café au lait of her own.
Rory here: The boys were not tired - everyone was tired as stated by Claire in paragraph 1.
Rory was keen to see the fish stall in the market. The man in this stall banged thetrout (live) on the head, before slitting their tummy open and sucking out all of their insides with a machine - while the fish was still alive. I knew Rory would enjoy watching this - I was right. It was difficult for him to tell me this as he was still angry with me as he thought it was my turn to sit in the middle.
We walked around Uzes for a while. Mere (mother) decided she needed a new handbag (again). She decidedoin the teal colour which she enjoyed and she was very happy with. We then went in search of the tourist office and some stamps from the Post Office. We found both, however both were closed for lunch. We decided lunch was a good idea, so headed off for some of our own. Sadly the restaurant we chose was full. So (for the first time since being in France) we decided on pizza. Mere (mother) had a French salad, but the rest of us had a mix of Hawaiian and Tropical pizzas!
Rory here: Mere (mother) is on a diet in France J. That's why she didn't have pizza - even though she really wanted it. Not including all the wine and cheese that she is having daily.
After lunch, Richard used his best French to negotiate our way through the Tourist office - and he even bought himself a French sports newspaper. He had his head buried in this for hours. We then went to the Harry Potter-esque Uzes Castle. We arrived straight after lunch and immediately climbed, walked, trudged, limped and crawled the 135 steps up the tower - some of us (Mere and Daddy) a little slower than others. We made it to the top and Daddy took some wonderful photos. It was only when we were back at the bottom that he realised his camera was on the wrong setting. No-one was going back up that tower for more photos!
Rory here: it was nothing like Harry Potter at all and if anything she should have said 'The School of Hogwarts' not Harry Potter. Another thing she should have said is that we are related to Emma Watson.
We had bought a tour as part of our entry to the castle. When it started, we were given a printed English version, and it was only then we realised the tour was all in French. We all made sure we laughed when everyone else laughed to look like we fitted in and understood all of the French the tour guide was speaking, but we are pretty sure everyone realised we were frauds.
Rory here: Claire should have included that Dad was thinking of buying the wine cellar and that she was the only one laughing so I was laughing at her.
After the castle, Mere (mother) and I went to buy some deodorant for me (I lost mine) and some stamps from the Post Office. It was open this time and we were able to mail several postcards away to family.
Rory here: Claire should have added more about her silliness when she lost her deodorant because everyone was growling at her for losing it and we just found out that she actually threw her sock behind the fridge and lost that, too.
We were all tired out after a long day, so headed back to the Gite for a siesta. Mere (mother) cooked a wonderful dinner of lamb and local vegetables which we enjoyed. I think tonight we might be in bed long before it gets dark.
- comments
Weaze Brilliant blog guys - great to hear from Rory and Claire (hoping the stress levels of all now well below where they were though this day). Take care and much love W xo