It has been a long time since I last updated my travels but that is because my job pretty much took over my life; if I wasn't working, I was socialising and well that clearly leaves no time to write up my travels! It's a good job my memory isn't too bad.
For the past 5 weeks I was working in a café in Brisbane Airport. I really enjoyed it and I have learnt a few things whilst working there. I liked most of the people I was working with apart from one of my bosses, the night time manager was a bit of a slave driver and really didn't like me! Anyway I am writing in past tense because I no longer work there anymore (you'll catch up soon, I just have to update what else I did before the reason I am not working there anymore!!)
Since being back in Brisbane after Fiji, I began to really enjoy it. I finally had an income; I was working two jobs and then one. The second job was a new chocolatier restaurant called San Churro. It's a Spanish version of Max Brenner. The training day was pretty awesome; trying chocolate for a day! YUM :D Anyway, I really enjoyed this job as I got to basically learn how to waitress properly (I lied and said I'd done it before, but that's how you get any job in this country, and besides its not rocket science!) Another skill to add to my list. Unfortunately this job didn't last too long as my boss was a bit of a *****. He didn't like that I had another job and I couldn't really tell him when I could work until I'd told him my availability after the airport gave me my shifts. So out of the blue, after I'd had to take a few days off work as I was seriously ill with the flu and a fever, he fired me. His reasons were, I am a casual staff and he doesn't need to give me a reason. Sounds a bit silly really but I wasn't too bothered as I was struggling to keep up with working two exhausting jobs.
So with one job and a great group of friends it was so much easier to have a social life as well. My friend Steph, who has been living in Toowoomba, a town about 2 hours from Brisbane, has been down to visit a lot which has been nice.
A few weeks ago, about 25 people from our hostel in Brisbane went on a road trip to Byron Bay for the weekend. This was one place along the east coast I had still not been so I was very excited to go and see this town which everyone raves about. Most the people going down were renting cars and a house to stay in but me and Steph decided to do it on the cheap; get the bus and stay in a hostel and we couldn't be more happier. Not everyone who stayed in the houses had beds and the cost of the car hire was much more expensive, so we saved money and were pretty happy. Both nights we drank and went out to a club called Cheeky Monkeys where you can dance on tables. Takes me back to my travelling days in Cairns which seems like such a long time ago! During the day we hired body boards and wet suits and headed for the sea. It wasn't exactly a warm day but it was amazing, so much fun. Although wow did we feel our muscle usage the next day!
When we got back to Brisbane I started to rethink my decision about doing the farm work to qualify for my second year visa in Australia. It occurred to me that I shouldn't just let my last 3 months go to waste when I could be doing my farm work, as much as I really didn't want to. I had become attached to the hostel, the people, the familiarities and working. I soon started to lose interest in working in the café, the money is pretty good but I don't intend to work in a café forever. I decided to look for farm work again and see what came up. Another friend in the hostel also wanted to look for work so we decided to go together. After being recommended a few places we got together a list of a few places which seemed to be pretty decent.
Within the last week we were accepted and offered a job paid hourly and stay on the farm for 3 months, enough time to get my visa signed off. We would be stupid not to take it so we did. That day I told work and apologised for the short notice but they understood that I had to do this to get my next visa. They even said I'd be able to come back and work there if I ever come back to Brisbane in my second year, so it's nice to have as a backup plan or just until I get a more permanent job. We had a day to book our transport, another day to pack up, then say goodbye and then leave for the outback.
On Saturday 28th July we (me and Cheri) left Brisbane. We took a 23 hour bus journey from Brisbane to Ayr (yes, Ayr, a place I promised myself I'd never go back to after I got stranded there when I hitch hiked back in December!) And as it so happens, Ayr is now my closest town for the next 3 months, funny how these things work out!! We finally arrived in Ayr on the Sunday and were picked up by someone to take us to the farm, which is about an hour's drive inland. We're staying in a town called Dalbeg. I wouldn't call it a town though, it's just an area and that is where the farm is.
We are living in what looks like a tin can from the outside. Our room is small and cosy but absolutely freezing at night. It's pretty hot in the day which is nice though, I just wish id got more warm clothes with me. I definitely need to take a trip to town and buy a cosy woolly fleece! Luckily there are people here with cars so when they head into town then we can hitch a ride with them as well. The bathrooms are also in tin can sheds too and the girls are recommended not to use their bathroom at night as there have been snake scares in the past, so now we just the boys bathroom at night as its closer!
Today, being Monday 30th July I started my 'farm work'. I spent most my day packing squash and to be honest it wasn't a pretty bad first day. Quite easy to get the hang of it, you just have to be quick and accurate with the sizes and which boxes they go into, to keep your job. Apparently the boss is pretty strict and if you can't keep up or your slowing everyone else down then you will be fired. But I think I did pretty well for my first day. We don't work every day either so we still get signed off for our days off which is awesome. That's all for now, internet is limited, one computer where we are which is pretty slow and there is currently no washing machine, its broken, so hand wash or go to Ayr to the laundrette.
So far the farm is not as bad as I thought, but let's hope I can last 3 months here! Speak soon. Still missing civilisation.
- comments
Martyn Ellis You can do it gal - I know it. Keep packing those squashes. Maybe ask if you can go out and pick them in the field but its probably a huge machine that does it - ah one day I will find out what a squash is. Enjoy yourself and save a bit of cash for next year!
Susan Burns I always thought squash was a gruelling game where you bash a ball against a wall. !!!! Maybe I'm wrong!!! Actually squash soup is terrific - try it sometime. As Dad says, keep packing those squash - it's important to get your next visa if you want to stay.
Ilana Palman Sounds like your having the time of your life!! enjoy!!! xx