After 5 months of intensive Ulpan, a beautiful summer filled with new friends, new memories and much more I was ready to take a step towards my next challenge; setting up real life in the city itself, Tel Aviv.
There really aren't enough hours in the day to begin to explain my aliyah experience over the past 5 months. Honestly, it felt lke a long surreal holiday intertwined with school. Learning hebrew is by far so much harder than I ever thought it would be. I experienced a ray of emotions; ups, downs, sideways, backwards, fears, loves, hates; the transition period at its finest.
The Beit Canada Ulpan programme is what they call an 'absorption programme' for those moving to the country and want to live in and learn hebrew with similar individuals like themselves. It did just that, combined people from all over the world making the same brave move as myself in order to create a community, a loving environment and just one small step before really entering reality in the big wide world.
The real story begins when I move to Tel Aviv, start my life again, search for a job, continue the struggle to master the Hebrew language and really try to intergrate and become the true israeli that I want to be.
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