Hi Jack B, looks like you're all having a blast! The pictures are great.
Happy New Year (what a great start to it) :-)
Love, us xox
Jan And Grant
Hi Nick, glad you are having a neat time .really enjoying reading the blog.loved the photo of the electricity and scaffolding. Much the same when we went to Bangkok.Traffic crazy there too ,thousands cars,motor bikes bikes all tooting and crammed to the hilt with people. Have fun. Nanna & Poppa.
Lisa G
I am really loving the pics. who ever the photographer is, Thanks for sharing.
Looks like fun is being had by all.
Be safe & have a ball.
Peter & Judy
hi, glad to hear your are in Varanasi, hope everyone is well, have a great new year.
Diane Breedon
Hi again forgot to say happy new year to everyone xx
Diane Breedon
Hi message for Jack B. sent his placement details to his email address. hope he gets them, they want confirmation he gets them. thx
ooops sorry not sure why that posted so many times :-s
Hi would someone please get a message to Jack N that all is good, sorry I missed his call last night and Lucas hasn't come yet.
Any chance of a return phone number for him? I don't mind how much it costs, just need a number so that when his brother does come I can call him direct and leave a message. Would prefer he didn't find out third hand or through facebook :-)
Or if that isn't possible can you please ask him to put his Australian SIM in his phone and I'll organise this end so that I can call him that way :-) If someone could let me know that would be great :-)
Glad you are all having a great time
Hi would someone please get a message to Jack N that all is good, sorry I missed his call last night and Lucas hasn't come yet.
Any chance of a return phone number for him? I don't mind how much it costs, just need a number so that when his brother does come I can call him direct and leave a message. Would prefer he didn't find out third hand or through facebook :-)
Or if that isn't possible can you please ask him to put his Australian SIM in his phone and I'll organise this end so that I can call him that way :-) If someone could let me know that would be great :-)
Glad you are all having a great time
Hi would someone please get a message to Jack N that all is good, sorry I missed his call last night and Lucas hasn't come yet.
Any chance of a return phone number for him? I don't mind how much it costs, just need a number so that when his brother does come I can call him direct and leave a message. Would prefer he didn't find out third hand or through facebook :-)
Or if that isn't possible can you please ask him to put his Australian SIM in his phone and I'll organise this end so that I can call him that way :-) If someone could let me know that would be great :-)
Glad you are all having a great time
Hi would someone please get a message to Jack N that all is good, sorry I missed his call last night and Lucas hasn't come yet.
Any chance of a return phone number for him? I don't mind how much it costs, just need a number so that when his brother does come I can call him direct and leave a message. Would prefer he didn't find out third hand or through facebook :-)
Or if that isn't possible can you please ask him to put his Australian SIM in his phone and I'll organise this end so that I can call him that way :-) If someone could let me know that would be great :-)
Glad you are all having a great time
Hi would someone please get a message to Jack N that all is good, sorry I missed his call last night and Lucas hasn't come yet.
Any chance of a return phone number for him? I don't mind how much it costs, just need a number so that when his brother does come I can call him direct and leave a message. Would prefer he didn't find out third hand or through facebook :-)
Or if that isn't possible can you please ask him to put his Australian SIM in his phone and I'll organise this end so that I can call him that way :-) If someone could let me know that would be great :-)