Hey Nick, Back in New Plymouth. Been to watch Mike play cricket in the sun...he was out for a Golden duck but we figure he can still make the NZ team with the way they are playing :) Hope the work part of the trip is going well :) Chatted to Mum yesterday on skype whcih was great and look forward to catching up with you when you get back to Oz. Have a blast. Aunty Jenny :)
Dinnes Family
Liked the blog Tessa. Was good to talk to you. Let me know about your uni when you get time to do it. Keep having a great time .
Jenny Gellen
Hey Nick. Heading back to Nelson topnight...sob sob. Enjoy the rest of your time in India and lets catch up on skype when you are home so we can hear of your adventures. Chris got his exam results today and passed well :)
Dinnes Family
Having problems with the phone number to ccs as it comes up with in complete number can you please let us know correct number. Thanks. Hope you are all having a great time with your placements. cant wait to see some photos, keep having a great time and stay safe.
Dinnes Family
Dinnes Family
Hey Tess checking blog each day and great to hear you are all travelling well and now at ccs to begin another adventure. Would be good to see a recent photo of you.
Col, Dave And Annie
Hi Nick - photos look fantastic. I don't think i have ever seen you with so many clothes on. We have just come back from Lake Rotoiti - you would have loved it - biscuits, ski's, wake boards. We told Birdie and Bee that you were over in India so will send them this link so they can see for themselves what you are all up to. Weather here is beautiful and Annie and girls loving the pool etc. Lots of love - us....
Wood Family
Hey champ. Latest photos are great. Love the new getup. Does the sword come complete with the clothes. And is that a new watch you are sporting in one of the photos. Still raining here. Huge floods Gympie, Maryborough, Toowoomba and heading south. Houses washed away. Would much rather be where you are at the moment seeing the amazing sites you are. Take care. Dad
Nanna & Poppa.
Good to note you are into shopping Nick, a good family tradition. Are you wheeling and dealing like your Dad? Be sure to get the things you really really like because you may never see them again or the opportunity may never come again. Lovely hot day here. Aunty Jenny out in sun, Uncle Rog etc still in bed. Uncle Rog and Muzz went to South Island Moto Cross Champs yesterday and Rog got some amazing photos. Talk soon Love Nanna & Poppa. xx
Nick W
hey everyone,
thanks nanna and poppa for the comment, yeah the traffic is insane here. makes me look like a pro driver hahaha. Work place health and safety would have a feild day if they came to this place the scafolding here is insane that it actually holds.
thanks aunty jenny yeah im having a great time. india markets are insane i have spent soo much money but really i havent spent that much cause of the conversion rate, i think if you and mum came here for a week you wuold buy so much stuff you would have to book the whole plane out just to bring the stuff home. there are the most amazing rugs and bedding and painting and just everything for such cheap cheap prices.
haha i think i will stick with the rowing those snkaes where crazy, i usually like snkaes but these ones when jack went to sit striked at him i was like oh no a trip to the hosptial is coming soon. haha but we were all good.
thanks everyone for the comments, we are at ccs now so i will be able to reply more often and we will keep you posted.
love lots Nick xoxoxoxooxoxoxo
Wood Family
Love the new photos. You got a lot closer to that snake Nicholas than your father ever would. Me to actually. Hope everyone is well. Can't wait to see more.
Jenny Gellen
PS Nick, Meant to say, Is snake charming going to be your new job or rowing ??? lol
Jenny Gellen
Hey Nick, Aunty Jenny here...just arrived in Nelson .Crap weather yesterday but great sunbathing weather today. Hope you are having a blast :) How would I do with the shopping in India ??Love J