Just been checking out your photos, I bet you are glad you have a digital camera now, imagine how much you would have spent on film and development!!!
I can't believe you signed up to work as a child carer for a while. The idea of trying to look after eight one year olds and try to get them all to have a nap at the same time does not appeal to me either, That would be a task for any one i'm sure.
Really glad to hear and see all going well down there. Bet you can't wait to see your parents.
Bye for now.
Clare XxXx
Nicola Chaplin
Hi Sharon, Happy New Year, sounds like you had a great christmas. I'm back in Northampton for 3 weeks, i head back to Brisbane 12th Jan. I came back to see my grandad who was taken ill a few weeks ago. Luckily he's on the mend now, so i'm looking forward to getting back in the sun!
I'm back in Melbourne 9th Feb for the wkend so it would be cool to meet up.
Speak to you soon Nic x (Magic Bus)
Mum And Dad
Hi Sharon, sorry not been in touch lately, really glad to hear you had an enjoyable birthday.
Not been up to too much recently, Niah a bit poorly at the moment but other tha that have had an enjoyable half term, even Stuart took some time off!!
Keep filling us in on your travels, am enjoying hearing what you get up to.
Hi Sharon
Hope you are ok.
There's a new wine bar opened in Sittingbourne.....didn't know if you fancied going out and giving it a try?!?!
Take care
Love Claire xx
From Mum And Dad
We do hope the large lizard wasn't a croc!
P.S. we are booking you in to alcoholics anonymous when you get home too!!
Mum and dad
Hi Sharron,
I have really been enjoying all your emails, journal entries and photos. You make me sooooo jealous of you.
I am really glad you are having an awesome time. Remember you are laways welcome to come visit us.
If you are still here in September next year we are getting married in Wollongong (near Sydney), I would love it if you could come.
Talk to you soon, take care.
Nine weeks already!, your right time has flown, would never of said it had been taht long.
I can't believe your counting down the weeks to when you get to do your next bit of exploring, have a reality check,..... your miles away in the sun, work is a four day week, your out every weekend night and you have 3 fellas on the go!!!!
Only kidding, you must have itchy feet now, I suppose being this long in one place is unusual to you.
Glad to hear all is still well and work is enjoyable.
Can't you elaborate on the fella front!
Bye for now
Clare, Stuart, Molly and Niah XxxxxxxX
Jane And Claire
Hello hope your well.
Who is Andy ???????? Do we need to buy our wedding hats!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Sharon
I'm having a jewelley party tomorrow night - can you make it???? It starts at 8 - hope to see you.......!!!
Hi Sharon! Thought it was about time I posted you a message!!
Got your email and your text; glad to hear you are having soooooo much fun. Been looking at your photos, the kids liked the Wildlife album......Harvey likes the idea of a Kangaroo as a pet so if you could sort that out that would be great!!! And if you could sort me out a nice Aussie man that would be great too!!! I quite like Leighton Hewitt - the tennis player......so if you bump into him, put a good word in for me!!!!!
I'm now another year older!!!! Had a good night out in town but it wasn't the same without you!!!!
Take Care
Claire, Demi and Harvey xxxxx
Clare,stuart,mo And Niah
wow, have just logged on to see how your going, and have spent last half hour flicking through your photos. Looks like your having a great time and have made plenty of friends. Feeling more envious of you picture by picture.
Not much going on here, summer has arrived should be going into the thirties over the weekend, bet that does not last. All out for claires birthday on saturday, am kipping over in town so i can drink, so should be fun. are you keeping up with the world cup?
Well must go, its late and got that school run in the morning. Hope to see more pics soon, and read what other things you up to.