Hello, summer has finally arrived here at last. Hope your well and meeting loads of nice men. We are out for Claires bday next Saturday on an exciting night out down to the Red Lion!!!! Sure your having much better fun. Take care
Peg &brian
Hi Sharon
At last we,ve managed to catch up with you witha bit of help from Mum I had problems trying to get on your web site Mum helped me to get it sorted.
Have read your journals and seen the pics you certainly seem to be enjoying yourself what an adventure.
Now I,ve found your web site I,ll be reading your journals on a regular basis in the meantime be good,stay well,take care.
Brian&Aunt Peg
Lisa Grout
You must be in Oz now - enjoy hope you have a blast.
Miss you as my roomie and all the other crew. Borneo isn't the same without our group. Well I have a week left then about 10 weeks of work in Blighty then off on holiday again (Croatia)
Then another 10 weeks and I will be off to Africa to look after the lion cubs. I'll keep you posted. And I'll email the photos that are left on my camera.
Come and visit me in Toronto IF you come back!! If not I might make it to Oz and NZ in Jan 08 ! haha So much for me settling down!
Susan Brand
Hi Sharon, Glad to hear that you are having fun, the photos of Thailand have brought back memories of my trip there and are making me just a tad jealous.... and yes the squat toilets are certianly an education and I know what you mean when you say some of the food on the market stalls is not the most appealing.. I can remember seeing a few things that raised an eybrow or two!!
Bye for now
Safe and happy travels
Mum & Dad
Hi Sharon
Just to say we loved looking at the photos. I clicked on quickly and found all of these - what a nice surprise. Keep well and enjoy yourself.
Mum & Dad
Mum & Dad
Its a hard life sunning it on the beach. Sounds like you are having a great time. Glad its stopped raining for you - unlike here where it is still pouring!
Bye for now and take care. Love Mum & Dad
Bec, Jon +Kids
hi hows it going, sounds like you have load to do out there. Brad and Jack both want a go on the three wheeler taxi(their own words)
Its a shame you have rain out there i supose it like home from home. any way i am going to go but before i do here is a message from the boys