You have obviously had a good one, different although you seem to have enjoyed it. All ok here can't wait to speak again and will be calling you soon.
Love Mum and Dad
Jane And Colin
A Merry Christmas to you all. It sounds as though you are still enjoying youselves travelling. Here I am in our house in France. The weather here is so cold I wish I was somewhere sunny just like you. We arrived back from Thailand just a week ago from the heat to the cold. I can't get my head round it. Adam we didn't get a tattoo. I did think about it but it looked too painful.
A bit of news for Adam. Anthony and Natalie are engaged and are getting married in Ireland in October so we will have another Irish wedding. We have just heard that we are going to be Grandparents again, as Stephen and Michelle are expecting another baby in June. 2006 will be a big year for us. Happy New Year to you and your Family. Love Jane. x
lots of love Jane. x
Keyser Soze (Wilbo's Bro)
You sumbags, you maggotts, you cheap lousy f*****s, HAPPY CHRISTMAS you arse, hope the hangovers passed!! Paul / Keyser / Wilbos Bro / The one without a tattoo (which is a name winning brownie points with the folks... gutted bro) / DJ extrordinair /
Just wanted to wish everyone a happy christmas. We have had a great day in Oz, bit odd that its not freezing cold! Mums, dont worry, we had a big roast for lunch (thanks ads + dani!)
Big Mike
Merry Christmas!
Love You!
Merry Christmas boys!!!!! A hot christmas must be so strange!!! I hope santa finds you!!! And i cant think of a better way to see the new year in, ur so lucky!!!. Just wanna say Merry Christmas to ad's family too. I hope 2006 makes all ur wishes come true!!
Take care, love always lau xxx
Dani @ Cazz And Ian's House!!!!!
hey guys!!! im currently at cazz and ian's house (your aussie mum and dad!) and im sat with the girls... Cazz has just brought me in 2 pairs of your boxers Spence (i cannot believe u left your spongebob ones ha ha!!!) - dont worry i'll bring them to xmas dinner (i'll wrap them up as pressies for you!) Looking forward to having xmas dinner with you all... bet u all cant wait for your xmas pressies off me and gem, they're really good especially your one Ads!!!! hee hee!!!! Ok i'll see u all tomorrow.... Maddie says how about you shut up Spence and Hannah says she's already missing the Spencer Salon!!!!! And they both say they love Ads and Wilbo lots!!!!! Love u all lots xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Roger - Adams Uncle
Hi lads
Great to see that you are really making the most of your freedom from your future work - make the most of it !
Have a really great Christmas and all the best for the New Year.
Keep the photo's coming there great - I look forward to hearing more of your tales in person. I'm sure that you do not need the invitation but have a drink on me - I said "A" drink !
Jan - John's Mum
Hello lads. Thank you for the cards. I am sure you will have a great Christmas in Melbourne, with or without roast turkey! When you check in at the hostel in St Kildas, please ask if there is a small parcel for you..I hope it has arrived safely. Enjoy the cricket! Lots of love...Jan
Merry Christmas boyz, hope you have a good one in sunny OZ! I am still praying for snow! Loves ya xxx
Maddie Kyte
hey boys... maddie and my friend madison here.. hope you are having a great time at my house in oz.. and how bout you all SHUT UP.. hehehhe. just kiding.. talk to you all soon enjoy your stay..
Love lots Maddie and Maddy
Well, it has taken me a while to recover from having you "lads" staying in Bali - the house is lovely and quiet now. You stole my daughter (only kidding), you wanted to steal my dog and I'm not really sure what Spence did in the pool on his last night but it turned green and we haven't been able to work out why.
Seriously though, your mums should be proud of all three of you, you are a good bunch of boys and a pleasure to have as guests.
Take care, enjoy your trip and if you ever are by this way again......................DON'T CALL.....just kidding.... you're more than welcome.