Was gunna say to you boys that when you are in the states if you are staying either in new york , orlando flofida of LA i can get cheap flights from my cousin Jemma ( remember spencer) for £50 .....could have a little meet and greet sesh!
shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..........can you hear it? sutch pretty singing......
Lol! Easy my Lil brothers from pupau new guinea!! Just checked your photos out as been a lame arse past month not mailing yall but all is okay now busy at work etc!!!
M8 that ride is special as it comes !!
Spence, who or what was this middlemiss girl and what does her biff smell like? M8 its always good when Spurs and chelsea are at the top performance level + Reading whats thazt about?
Ads, You look like eugene when he first camre outa the house all tanned and s***! seriously though just did a big dump......u woulda been proud......Arsenal V Real madrid tonite m8 shhhhhhh
Wilbo, m8 what happened to growing your mullet m8? Oh n keep wearing your hat you look like whats his name crocidile hunter dude!!
Take care my bros spky soon!
Ads Mum And Dad
Hi guys,
Think I will try again. Dad and I have just seen your photo's they are brilliant. Think we will come out an join you!!! Know you are flying soon to Melbourne so will wait and give you a call then.
You all look as if you are still enjoying youselves and we look forward to seeing photos of your parachute jump!!
All ok at home, lads send their love.
All our love.
Mum and Dad xxxxxxxxxxx
Chris And Andy
Loving your work lads, the pictures of Byron and Sydney are awesome. we've got a job working on south molle island with full use of the facilities n gonna work here til saved enuf money 4 the commonwealth games in melbourne.....we're still following the holy grail to ramsey street!!
See you at the reunion!
Andy Whits
Hey Guys! Just got the link to your site and how jealous am I!!!Looks like you've been to some awesome places and had some interesting "rendezvous" with some of the locals from what I've heard!! Looking through the pictures I'm so glad I'm sitting in an office at a computer all day...oh wait.... Anyways catch ya on the flip side dudes! Enjoy the surf!! Andy
Happy Valentines Day!!!! Im sure the postman had trouble this morning with all ur admirers!!!!! Hope ur all ok, can wait to see u all again soon, all my love, lau xxx
Happy Valentines Day dudes! Your roses are in the post! Cannot wait for you all to get home. Loadsa love, Claire xx
The Lads
Hey everyone, just a quick note to say sorry we havnt updated the pics in a while but it never works, we will do it as soon as we can as we have loads to make you all jealous!! Sally, would you be able to call ads when you can. Have fun at work people! The lads. x
Mikey Uk Diving Crew
Alright fellas,
sounds like you guys are enjoying the fruits of australia!
listen when do you hit auckland NZ?
we need to get together for a drink and a dive!
keep living the dream!
Ad's Mum And Dad
Hi guys,
Hows things, haven't heard from you in a while. Presume this is a good thing and you must still be enjoying your various experiences!!! All ok here at home.
Can't wait for the next update. We will keep looking.
All our love
Mum and Dad
Well hope all goings well there boys!!! Just had to post a message for Spence 3-0 !!!!!!! ha ha - for those of u reading this and are not sure what im babbling about its the BORO BEAT CHELSEA SCORE!!!!! nevermind babe!!!! Did i say BORO BEAT CHELSEA??!!! Sorry spence....... : ).... Send u all my love, miss u all loads speak soon boys, love u lots xxxxxxxxxx
Gemma (Balozzie)
Hey guys you look like u are having a great time up north hope u are all taking care and enjoying urself i miss u all like crazy cant wait to see u all i sent an e-mail to ads with tiyahs pics hope u like em. well cant wait to see u enjoy the rest of ur time in oz and im sure ill see u soon love u all always ur balozzie freind Gemma xxxx