hi boys
pissed off couldn't go out last night, heard it was good craic(crack for you english). Still feeling pretty s***ty
Get the daddy mac photos up (or mail them please), let everyone see how stunning we really are!
good luck
You lot would have to leave with the dvd's the day it pisses out of the heavens - Cheers!!!
Jack(The Machine)Rush
Diana Bullock
hey!hey!hey! how are you all?? its jack and diana here just sending a quick hello msg to you pommy lads our MATES!!!!!!!!! can't wait to see you lads again.. love the photos keep up the good work and be safe..
love always Diana n Jack xoxoxoxoxxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox
Gemma (Balozzie)
Well guys its been a while since u have updated ur pic'shurry up i wanna see them dani had some good one's of u at waterbomb ill get her to email them to u.
well i guess i'll see u pome's soon, can't wait for some more fun nights in kuta.
Made f......er said hi and he can't wait to party again with u boys so hurry up hehehe.
Love u all see u soon Take care and have fun.
Always Ur balozzie Friend Gemma aka Ass (peaches) and my tit's(dani) has left me hehehehe xxxxxxxx
Gemma (Balozzie)
well guys u have made this balozzie go crazy as i am missing u all so much (ads more) but u no i all love ya heaps and can't wait till ur here in kuta for ur last couple of day's in bali me and tit's have been talking about u all the time and i have decided to go around oz with danni and back to he uk so maybe well i hope we all get to see u..........................to caz and ian my mummy and daddy no2 please take care of my pomes don't corrupt them to much i like them they way they are and ill see u in oz.......................dave thankyou so much for ur e-mail and there will be a home cooked meal waiting for u and the lads......................spence what have u done to tit's omg thanks heaps for making me laugh all he time will never forget ur humour...............yea i know.hehehehe.................to ads well what can i say u know how i feel and how much of a great time we had together hope one day it will continue.......................to the lads parents thankyou so much for letting them go away for a while and their not as innocent as they make out hehehehe they are a great guys love them and miss them heaps cant wait to see u all again.
Love ur Balozzie Friend Gemma aka Ass and tit's is sitting next to me hehehehe xxooxxoo
Lucy Pinder!
Well guys.. like caz and ian said - u certainly make a lasting impression.... its kinda funny that i cant stop thinking about you lot (especially you spence! - who i miss so so much btw).... I am still here in Bali with balozzy gem and now she is coming travelling with me round oz... and then prob back to the u.k too! its madness...... hello to all the boys mums and dads - you really have great sons.... oh and i think they must have a 'members only' website cos i know they are not all that innocent and im sure some of their pics will not be on here - i hope!!!!!!!!!! so guys let me know that website address!!!!!!! hee hee.... ok so hope your still enjoying yourselves - but i guess not as much as when u were with me and gem.... cant wait to see u in oz..... miss u so much spence.... (keep emailing me!) love u lots Dani - your northern monkey!! :) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
fellas what have you been doing to these aussies?
I mean you re good blokes, but you are southern fairies!
Enjoy OZ guys hope to see you in NZ!
I got a place in Aukland with my girlfriend so if you need a place to crash pop in!
Dive Crew UK: SHARKS
Fellas, Jb and I have been diving again, South West Rocks, OZ!
Absolutely Un-Fooking-believeable!
Its a cave dive, did two dives at same site!
Vis: 20-30metres
At the entrance to the cave, 6 nurse sharks, the biggest two were 3 metres long, only one metre away!
Saw upwards of 10 on the dive all really close! lay on the bottom for awhile and they swim right up to you, guys just picture it a 3 metre shark with both rows of teeth on show coming straight at you, checking you out!!!!!!!
also saw a huge bull ray (like a manta) swim beneath us when we were in the air pocket of the cave!
fed bat fish, played with an octopus, moray eel, and saw a egale ray jump clear out the water!
All this means guys is that you have to dive at southwest rocks! its near Kempsey! two dive companies there, we went with South west rocks diving, great fellas told them you guys would be checking in!
Cazz & Ian
Hi all..... Well you guys certainly do leave a lasting impression with the people that you meet. AWhile you are all basking in the sun... think of us working hard here in Melbourne. Sounds like you guys had a blast with Gem and Danni...... and I am sure the girls had fun too.... who wouldn't with you guys!!! Anyway..... our house is ready to open up and welcome our Pommy boys soon. Can't wait to hear about what else you guys got up to in Bali after we left. To all those who read this.... we all share somthing in common.... a love for these 3 fellows!!
Take care guys..... HAVE FUN..... and we will see you soon.
Love Cazz and Ian XOXOX...
PS. Spence, I got that book you were talking about, and like you, I cant put it down!!!
Lucy Pinder!!!
Hey again guys!!!! Recommend you lot to stay with gem when u come back to Kuta.... her house is cool and has a pool and the best views of Bali!!! Missing u all more than minutes after you left yesterday so really cant wait to catch up with you in oz.... spence email me the pics!!! Take care and love u lots Dani xxxx
Gemma (Balozzie)
Hi Boys hope ur enjoying it up north i no kuta misses the pomes and can't wait till ur back here, ads i got ur e-mail all i can say i i can't wait to see u again and read ur e-mail there is a little info u might like(i hope).
Mum say's so does made F*#^er he said hurry up and come back to surf hehehehe. if u guys need somewhere to stay when u get back for 2 days from up north ur more than welcome to stay with me and mum.
well love and miss u guys cant wait to see ur faces and hear ur pome voice's.
Love always Ur balozzie friend Gemma xxooxxoo