Glad to see the trip is turning out to be a real adventure. I have great admiration for you as your route is indeed somewhat unique in terms of transafrica expeditions. Wouldn't mind getting some more detail on the Niger, Algeria and Tunisia legs as we are intending to head back to Africa in a year or two to complete this section. Sure you have some good advice on must see places and logistics.
Any happy, fun and great adventures
Bet you can't keep the smiles of your face.......ahh freedom!!!
I see you guys have made quite some progress already. Awesome! I just remembered that there was something I wanted you guys to bring back for me from think you guys could maybe go back and fetch it? Shouldn't take to long.... No..ok. :) Hehe, just kidding.
I'm sure this trip is a life changing experience for you both...big up to you guys! Keep well, and keep them photies coming!
Tante Else
Liebe Inga, lieber Rob,
Lese Eure Berichte regelmaessig. Wuensche Euch weiterhin gute Reise, keine Panne und viel Glueck auf der Pad.
Gruesse aus Namibia Tante Else Hier ist alles OK
Dear Rob and Inga
At Dot and Geralds house and saw your website for the first time, what a ball you two must be having. The photographs are amazing. Looking forward to following your journey. Dot and Gerald send their love.
Tracey(your cousin!), Paul, Ayden and Caitlin
Hi you Two ! Loved the last series of photos, especially the ones from Algeria ! Hope you're finding enough to occupy you while you're waiting for your visas. Much luck !
Hey guys! Glad to hear things are going well and that Inga is on the mend. Don't forget that its Easter on Sunday so you guys will have to treat yourselves to beers or something as Easter eggs may be a tall order. Keep well and happy travels.
Claire & Angiolo: if you arrive on 19th and are around for 10 days, no problem - we should hopefully see you! We arrived in Tunisia yesterday, 03/04/07, so depending on how long our Libyan visas take (up to 10 days) we might get to Red Sea around 25th or so. Will keep you informed as to how things are looking and our whereabouts. Will get back to you soon with a long list or goodies to bring
Gunt: We are in Tunisia and heading to Libya in 2 weeks time. Hope we enjoy it as much as you did. Should be heading towards end of Ethiopia around end May, maybe Kenya/Nairobi 1st week in June. Keep in touch as to dates and whereabouts and we will see if we can tweek plans to arrange to meet up. In Shalah
Matthew: yes a year today we picked Cathey up, can't believe it has only been a year - feels much longer! Also our 2 months on the road today!
Svenson: good to hear from you! How's the whiskey going down there in London. Been a dry few weeks for us in Algeria but do have one bottle left, but its a VERY SPECIAL BOTTLE for SPECIAL OCCASION so maybe new years at Coffee Bay?
Bron: thanks for correcting my poor Afrikaans. Head is a bit of a mess with different languages at the mo. Looking forward to seeing you guys in Africa and Gnu where she/he belongs
Claire & Angiolo
Hey Guys
Just to let you know we arrive in Sharm on the 19th of April, so please do let us know if you need us to bring anything for you. We will be around for about 10 days and hoping to make a quick trip into Petra and Dahab during that time. It will be great to see you and catch up, but, we understand if it's not going to be possible.
Otherwise, it's been great following your trip and seeing all the photographs.
Until we meet again....take care and look after yourselves.
Claire and Angiolo
Hey Rob do you realise that on the 4th April it will be one year since you picked Cathey up from Bristol ?
Say hello to her from me !
Hi Inga& Rob!
Just returned from my trip to Tripoli, what a pitty we couldn't meet- thought of you all the time when I was there. I enjoyed my time in Libya, it has definetly more culture then the Arabian Peninsula and from what I had experienced very friendly people. You have to walk through the Old City and have a traditional lunch for me at one of the stalls, it's realy tasty and Inshala you will love it just as I did... I'll post a few photos on in due course- will be in Nairobi at the end of May- where are you planing to be?
Enjoy your travelling and have fun with streets signs in Libya- all in arabic!!!
Hi Ihr Beiden
Sieht ha alles super aus. As you know it is really cold here, so it looks even better here you are at the mo. I am glad you are having such a great time. Wish I was there. Take care are the best and miss you two stack.
Love from Elli und Rob.
Howzit Rob k*** & Malinga.
Guys, this is killing me! I'm looking out the window and it's freeeken snowing, while the two of you are trapsing around Africa! You lucky sods!!! Thanks for the updates, keep them coming, it brings a bit of sunshine to an otherwise dreary London at the mo. Mailinga, I'm hungry! No one has cooked for me in ages. Rob Knob, I'm missing my whisky partner.