DAY 25, WED 28/02. Atar to Nouakchott. 449 kms. Total 5803 kms. Camping Auberge Menata. N18°05.590’ W15°58.641’
N34°54.955’ W4°34.252’ in the tent, no wind, but were woken early by early risers in the camp and music/prayers from the nearby mosque on loudspeakers at sunrise. Checked all the oils/fluids in the landy, all shipshape. Headed off to Nouakchott via the tar road. Nice to be on a bit of tar again so Inga did most of the driving. Did a quick stop into Terjit, desert oasis south of Atar. Didn’t stop for long as there was no water in the pools but there were some lovely plam groves and the scenery on the way in through the gorge was pretty amazing, with black rock mountains sloped by orange sand dunes. Made good time down to Nouakchott. Stopped to check out Auberge Sahara where most of the overlanders seem to stay. It is a bit easier to find on the main road in but didn’t fancy the look of it too much. Luckily Darrin had given us a tip in Morocco of a much nicer place, Auberge Menata, which we found using gps point above. Defintely recommend this place and had a great nights sleep.
DAY 26. THURS 01/03. Nouakchott. 0 kms. Total 5803 kms. Camping Auberge Menata.
Woke fairly early to get to Malian consul to get our visas. (2 x passport photos, photo copy of passport & 6500 UM. Single entry, one month duration. 9-10am and collect visa at 12 noon, same day!) N18°06.481’ W15°58.726’ A few other bits of admin to do, internet, change money & insurance for Mali & Niger before we start making tracks for Mali tomorrow. Should be in Mali in 3 – 4 days time! Also our non existent French is improving as no one speakes much English around here!
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