DAY 80. TUES 24/04. Egyptian Border to Cairo. 643 kms. Total 19601 kms. Dandy's Mega Mall. N30 03.694 E31 01.758
Left the Egyptian Border early after using the toilets with the aim of reaching Cairo. Stopped at As Sallum (Soloum on maps) for breakfast on the beach. Spectacular descent down the pass into As Sallum but the rest of the journey to Cairo was flat and boring. Luckily about 150/200 kms before Alexandria we turned off south east on a new toll road (2EP) to Cairo which shortened the distance to around 650 kms instead of around 800 if going via Alexandria. Didn't quite make it all the way into Cairo but stopped just after dark around 30kms before Cairo at a large, modern mall: Dandy's Mega Mall. Drew some money at an ATM and went to have a look around. There were a few smart restaurants/cafe' with outdoor areas along the walkway where people were siting eating drinking and smoking shesha. They were showing Champions League (Man Utd vs AC Milan) on large TVs outside so it was very busy. Later they switched over to an Egytian match and it got even busier. We discovered a McDonalds that advertised free WiFi internet connection so we wnet in for our 1st McD's of the trip (not bad after almost 3 months) with the hope of scoring free internet in the process. Unfortunately the connection was down but that didn't stop us tucking into a super sized Mac meal, so we just watched the football instead. Later when they changed over the the Egyptian football we left but found a Cinnabar Cafe' also with Wifi. Went in for Cappuccinos and a caramel cinnamon roll. Guess what? Their connection wasn't working either so we had pigged out for nothing but we weren't really complaining as it was worth it. Went back to the car after using the service station toilets and slept in the back like real homeless people.
DAY 81. WED 25/04. Cairo to Dahab. 588 kms. Total 20189 kms. Auski Camp, Dahab. N28 29.523 E34 30.957
Were awoken at 6am by a knocking on the window telling us to move on. We were quite thankful for the wake up call as it would allow us to visit the Pyramids of Giza on the way in the morning and still make it to Dahab to meet up with Angiolo and Claire today, the 25th, as arranged. Got to the pyramids around 7.30am but they only open at 8. So we went for local coffee and tea at a cafe' before going in. (50 EP per person) Spent several enjoyable hours walking around the Sphinx and Pyramids and taking plenty of photos. Rob had visited the Pyramids once before but on a camel tour around the outside some distance from the pyramids so this was a different perspective for him. Also the hassle from touts and guides was not as bad as he remembered or maybe we are now just much more used to it so it didn't bother us at all or detract from the moment. Left the Pyramids just before 11am and after a bit of a roundabout route we were on our way to Sinai. Around lunch time we reached the Suez tunnel. (Toll gate at N30 06.127 E32 33.139 = 2EP) From the other side of the canal we stopped to view the tiny ships sailing through the desert up the Suez Canal in the distance. Short stop for lunch before heading east across the largely boring scenery of the Sinai towards Nuweiba. Stopped at N29 39.440 E34 40.795 in the late afternoon for fuel before turning more south towards Nuweiba. The last windy section of road before reaching Nuweiba runs through a very scenic gorge which was particularly beautiful at sunset. Would have made a great place to camp but we were intent on reaching Dahab. Eventually pulled into Dahab around 8pm after the last of the many police check points and after a series of quick sms's we met up with Angiolo and Claire, slightly embarrassed by our unkempt appearance after 5 nights roughing it. Great to see them after what has seemed for us like a long time with no familiar faces. Between hastily trying to catch up on all the news in one go we went off to look for accommodation that they had recce'ed out for us with secure parking for Cathey. By coincidence we ended up pulling in next to Auski Camp where Rob had stayed 7 years previously which has cheap rooms so we decided to stay there. (Room only 20 EP, fan, 3 beds and outside toilets, which is cheaper than camping anyway) Arrange to meet up with them for dinner (although they had already eaten earlier) after we had showered and cleaned up) at a restaurant on the beach they had been to before. Shame, Angiolo was just getting over a bad stomach bug he had picked up on arriving in Dahab and had only just managed to eat some rice. (He also had to cancel some dives in Sharm el-Sheikh earlier in the week due to sinus problems so he wasn't having the best of luck.) Spent a few hours eating and chatting until quite late before retiring to our beds - quite a treat for us actually - only our 2nd night on the trip so far where we haven't been camping.
DAY 82 - DAY 86. THURS 26/04 - MON 30/04. 0 kms. Total 20189 kms. Auski Camp, Dahab. N28 29.523 E34 30.957
The 5 full days we spent in Dahab were lovely and relaxing, with good company too. A bit of a holiday for us from the trip and Cathey (and she from us!) Didn't even filter water (scandal!) and reverted to comforts like buying bottled water, taking our dirty laundry in to be washed and eating in restaurants as everything is so cheap. Rob also visited the barber to trim his hair and beard and have a bit of a shave and "plucking" with the cotton twine. Also did some internet-ing. That was it as far as the chores went. Otherwise it was pure relaxation?.. meeting up with the other 2 for large and sometimes long breakfasts; lying by the pool at their hotel and having a few sundowners - nice cold Stella beer; Snorkeling; diving; playing backgammon with a shesha pipe after awesome seafood meals in the evening and then the typical Dahab day of spending almost the whole day in one restaurant along the beach eating, reading between meals and even sleeping on the cushions/couches. If you have been to Dahab you will know the score! The 1st day we all snorkeled together in front of Angiolo & Claire's hotel after renting some gear. Rob and Angiolo then signed up for some dives over the following 2 days, 1st "Lighthouse" & "Eel Garden" (both of which Rob hadn't dived before. Ps Eel Garden AMAZING dive - never seen anything like it) while the girls did some snorkeling on their own. The next day we all went up the coast in transport to dive and snorkel at "Canyon" and "Blue Hole" both famous dive sites. Rob had dived at Canyon before but this time being advanced could actually descend into the Canyon at 30m which he was pleased about. Although he was having problems equalizing his right ear due to the onset of a cold/flu which was quite painful when deep. He also got to dive Blue Hole for the 1st time previously just having snorkeled there. Angiolo unfortunately had to cancel the last dive as he wasn't feeling well - a 2nd onslaught of the upset stomach. Inga too had suffered from it after a few days in Dahab, although nowhere near as bad as the last time. Seems like every time we eat in restaurants Inga gets ill. Angiolo and Claire ended up canceling their luxury accommodation they had booked in Sharm for their last night before flying back to London and decided to stay an extra night in Dahab because it was so rustig. We also stayed on extra day after they left on Sunday not doing too much just relaxing and getting over our various sicknesses. All in all a great few days. Ps Thanks for coming over guys it was great to see you! Pps please email photos and video from Dahab when you get a chance as we hardly have any at all.
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