Today was a amazing day the team was still tired from the night before. Most of the Team was up by 730-800. We had Pancakes, cereal, yogurt, granola and a Really cool Fruit called "Grenadilla", basically it was a fruit with seeds and you only ate the seeds. Few of the Team members were adventurous and Tried it, wasn't too bad....There was orange Juice, Carrot Juice mixed with Orange Juice and your Coffee and Tea.
Team was all pretty ready and we left on the Bus at around 920am this morning headed to church.
There was lots of Construction and we arrived at Adelita's Church at around 1030am with Opened Arms. Everyone there was really friendly and excited to see us.
We found out today a Huge Suprise, The Samaritan's Purse Team MOVIENDO ESPERANZAS had been struggling with "Operation Christmas Child shoe Boxes they arrived back in Feb but the paperwork was taking a long time and Barely made it before we got here.
But with lot's of prayer it finally arrived a few days before we arrived.
35,000 shoe Boxes aLL CRATED were waiting at the Church for us to Sort and help them out getting them ready to Distribute to the different areas in the country.
" They ask for Prayer as there Sponsor Transportation is DHL courier and they still need to get them to all the different Zones.
After Church was had a wonderful Lunch of a Lasagne with Spinach, Salad, A nice Fruit Drink that looked like a lemonade but had some sort of Fruit taste to it. Some of the Team had some chicken and beef as well, overall Lunch was pretty good.
After lunch the Guys had to go thru the shoe boxes and move them in different groups as per the #s needed to distribute, the Boxes on average weighed around 50 Pounds each, We must have moved close to 500 cases of 24 that was a lot of work and the team was exausted.
Don McIntosh was "MR WHITE HAT" in charge with FABIO of having all the different cases lined up in order of 2-4 boys/girls 5-9 boys/girls and 10-14 boys/girls.
Even the Guys in there 70's were lifting the 50 pound boxes it was a Awesome Team effort.
The lady's were busy loading 650+ shoe boxes onto the bus getting them ready for our distributions this week. They setup a assembly line cut open the cases and loaded the shoe boxes inside and on the bus.
It was pretty cool seeing all the cases and the # of boxes 35,000 isn't even a tip of the iceberg as there is over 1 Million+ kids that need these boxes here, We really need everyone's prayers here in Costa Rica that God will really Work Miracles and help change lives.
Once evertything was all loaded in the bus we headed back to the "GuestHouse", Most of the Team was pretty tired and alot of people sleeping on the bus.
When we got back to the Guesthouse we got all out stuff that we brought down in the Extra suite cases all laid out on the table ready for tommorow and the rest of the week, everything from Face Painting Supplies, balloons, bubbles, nail polish,soccer balls, tatoos, stickers, crafts, rocket balloons. It's going to be pretty exciting to play with the kids and entertain them before they open there shoe boxes.
You could see the excitement in the TEAM with all these items everyone got assigned different tasks for different stations.
We are doing 2 distributions tommorow one with 77 kids and another one we are distributing 5 Wheel chairs, This is going to be amazing and huge experience for everyone.
We ask for your prayers over the Team that we are able to Minister the Love of Jesus and help change lives now and forever.
Dinner was awesome we had Steak, and some kind of Fajitas and a Yellow type drink and Desert. Then after Dinner Adelita talked about her story and the story of the Team she had a power point presentation on what they are doing down here everything from the Shoe Boxes, Oral Healthcare, Tom's shoes, Wheel chairs.
They really could use our prayers and alot of times they have alot of challenges that make things very difficult between the Government on things that they do.
You could see the team getting tired after we came back from church we all formed a assembly line and offload all the shoe boxes at the guesthouse and then later in the evening we had to re-pack them in the boxes and get 77 boxes ready for distribution tommorow.
We ask that you help pray over these boxes and for the Whelchair distribution in the evening.
It's about 940pm and everyone is now crashed getting ready for a big day tommorow with our First Distribution.
Thanks For following us and God Bless
- comments
Elaine Vader Praying for you all. For your ministry, for strength and good health. God bless you all
John and Ruth Betsworth Amazing start to your week! Love, Blessings and Prayer for the team for a wonderful ministry every day!