If you ever decide to write a blog, this site probably is not the best choice. It is certainly much improved since my earliest blogs but still the site has serious issues. Couple that with use-error and voila, catastrophe!
Last night I looked at my post from March 17, "Covid-19 aka Coronavirus - March 16, 2020." I noticed that the blog was in duplicate. Both looked the same and I was delighted to see personal messages from quite a few of you. Messages from friends and family who read my blogs and respond with comments mean so much to me and they certainly add to to texture, emotion and connection of each story. That particular story, along with the comments I think, is the most important one so far in this journey's blog.
I deleted one version. As I checked to determine which to delete, both versions contained the beautiful, heart-felt comments and advice you posted. However, once I hit DELETE, the version that remains has no comments and I cannot retrieve the deleted version. I feel such a loss!
Please help me reconstruct the lost one. If you will, please go back to the March 17 blog and re-post your comments. I will be so appreciative and CAREFUL not to delete again! Thank you!
- comments
Melissa C Murphy I have emails of everyone's comments but my own. I can forward them to you if you want. Someone else who posted yesterday would have to send you mine.
Melissa C Murphy Okay, I'm gonna try to recreate yesterdays as best I can. Your health and safety has certainly been a concern for me but after talking to Ray about your blog entry yesterday, I almost feel like you are safest where you are. The president seems to think it may be mid to late summer before things begin to settle back down. I had not been too concerned until I read about Italy and their struggles with it right now. Its heartbreaking. My biggest fear would be for you to be sick while you are there. I know whatever decision you guys come to will be best for you. Just know how much I love you guys and will pray for all of our safety. I love you my darling sister!
Nancy Dzuibakowski this is the craziest thing we've all gone thru. stay well.
Janie @ Melissa - my dear sweet sister, thank you so much for your care and concern . . but I would expect nothing less from you. You have such a true, sweet heart! We will do our best to stay well and we pray the same for you. This is an incredibly serious situation. We all have to do all we can to stay well, protect ourselves and others and make decisions based on info at our access. I love you, girl! Please do save the emails you have . . . thank you, thank you! You are a life-saver. Those messages mean so much to me. And if you will email them to me that would be fantastic. I love, love, love you! I always will.