Aviation is not a game designed with those above 6' in stature. This made itself apparent even before squeezing into our seats, when, much both Lisa and the security guard's amusement, I managed to jar fingers on the ceiling of the x-ray scanner! The flights themselves were relatively painless, consisting of sleeping, drinking - alas no cognac - and watching movies which would inexplicably cut out every 5-10 minutes as the Etihad "E-box" system is evidently still quite buggy.
We were also treated on the way in Abu Dhabi with sore breathtaking scenery out the window, deep dark waters contrasting on to yellow sand with a low sun, the colour of a blood orange, hanging on the horizon.
After arriving in Brazil and waiting all to long to find our luggage we made it to the Zen Hostel, a cite little Buddha-inspired site where I am currently enjoying a breakfast of plaintains and nutloaf with coffee.
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