Hi Kie and Soph, just one more sleep :D I hope you enjoyed your time in Fiji, we Googled the island that you stayed on, it looked amazing, (I thought the island of Thassos was small) until now. Well you have been to and done some amazing things on your travels, memories that you can keep for ever. Im glad you both decided to do this trip, but I can't fib, I can't wait for you both to be back home :D Love you both millions x x x
What a fantastic time you have both had. The NZ round-up shows what great experiences you've had... such memories for the years to come.
We are looking forward to seeing you on Monday... safe journey home xxx
Well Sophie and Kie, you'll be home this time next week! You will no doubt be sorry to be leaving your travelling behind but we'll be glad to have you back here. Do enjoy your last week in Fiji... the sun is shining here but it is not that warm so you'd better make the most of it!
With lots of love, keep safe xxx
Glen Bosworth
Hi there Sophie and Kie, have been watching your latest photos of you both sky diving, it looked incredibly exciting but I don't think I dare do it myself. The scenery there is terrific I must say and I'm so pleased you visited Eric and Inge, and they were too according to their e-mail to me. They say they have enjoyed seeing all the rellies this year. Hope your next visit is as enjoyable as in recent months. Enjoy yourselves kids, I'm sure you will.
With love from Grags, look after yourselves. xx
Mum Fewster
Hi Kie and Soph, well not long now. Hope all these so called natural disasters stop following you once you get on that plane home, im sure it has something to do with Sophie Faunch! you know how it rains here everytime Sophie catches the bus from Cambridge to Northampton.. Ha ha... No seriously it will be great to see you, have missed you both sooooo much, and I will rest at ease once your back here knowing your not throwing yourself out of cable cars or planes!!! Have been catching up on your blog and pics, it all sounds and looks totally amazing. The scenery is awesome, Hope your journey and stay in Fiji is the perfect end to a fantastic six month away. Love you both, stay safe x x x
Hi Sophie and Kie, glad to hear that all is going ok. Was telling mum and dad that I had been showing Lucy the photos of you guys with the tigers which she loved. We didn't like the snakes though.
Dad says that all these global disasters seem to be following you guys around so he is not sure whether to miove from Cambridge on your return. He's only joking though as you can tell how much they both miss you.
Luv to you guys be safe
Great to see all the new blogs and photos which I can reread and look at again tomorrow.... I love that close-up dolphin photo... so cute. Yes, as Dad and Gee-Tee have said Kie is bloody mad but an unforgettable experience. Love to you both, keep safe xxxxx
Your photis are like buses, but hey, they're well worth the wait. Some cracking scenic shots and those with the dolphins are excellent. I've googled the bungy jump at Nevis 134m........must be bloody mad is all I can say! And it's a skydive next.
You both look well and it's good that Sophie is managing to drive a little. Bravery award to Kie there I think! Get her to do the long journeys so she won't have an excuse when she returns to the UK!
Anyway, look after yourselves and love to you both. Keep safe.xxxxxxx
That Kie, must be crazy to do a bungy. Still he's a gooner so that confirms he's crazy
Luv you Soph
Hello you two,
You'll be in NZ when you get this... hope you had a good journey. I love the latest photos which are some of the best for wild life and the scenery. You look like you were the only people there! I love the poor little penguin, must have been scared stiff of you lot taking his photo! He didn't do a dance by any chance? haha! I also loved the sneak preview of the dolphins so look forward to the Aussie experience round-up blog. Lots of love, take care and be safe xxx
Doh!! Don't know how I missed the Sydney Harbour Bridge photos... but I'm Sydney Harbour Bridge'd out now haha! You definitely were trying out the cameras weren't you? Good close up shots too though.
Enjoy the rest of your time in Oz, lots of love, keep safe xxx
Hello kids, Beautiful photos once again... you look like the only people around for miles... fantastic. The cameras are certainly doing a good job. Looking forward to the Sydney Harbour Bridge pics. Only 10 days left in Oz... its seems to have gone quickly doesn't it? lots of love, take care xxxx