(Sophie) - We have had a wonderful time in Banff. The last two days have been relaxing and so much fun. Where we are staying has a great rock swimming pool and we have spent a long time playing around in it. A ground squirrel even came to visit us by the side of the pool and ate some flowers in plant pot. We also got free ice pops from Mr Freezy in the hotel after swimming.
Mummy has been making pancakes every morning in Banff and for lunch in the town I have had snails! Yum!
We went on a chair lift up Mount Norquay mountain and on the way we saw a black bear, a cinnamon mummy bear with her two cubs, two ground squirrels, two chipmunks and an accessory tree which was full of necklaces and bras! It was a busy mountain for wildlife and bras!
We explored Banff quite a bit and did some shopping. They have a candy store full of strange sweets. I got a garfield pack of candy tuna in their tins. We also saw tongue tattoos, which you put on your tongue and suck. There is a gigantic shop full of christmas stuff and a section on halloween with a ghost graveyard and dancing ghosts.
(Belle) - These past few days have been lots of fun. I really enjoyed playing in the rock swimming pool at our hotel. It was outside and you could see the mountains when you were in the pool.
We have been catching a little bus from our hotel into Banff town with a very friendly bus driver. Once we missed the bus but he saw us and stopped for us (how kind).
I love all the shops and really liked the christmas shop, because it had lots of little houses, trees, zombies, ghosts and skeletons - all with moving bits and lights. One house had eyeballs all over it like christmas lights!
We found another Cows ice cream shop like the one in Whistler and I had Oreo ice cream (in a sprinkle cone again).
Right now we are in our Banff hotel sitting room. On the phone we can call a special number and hear the sound an elk makes, which is called a bugle. We are getting ready for our flight to New York in the morning. Daddy says there will be thunderstorms in New York when we arrive.
- comments
Sandra Enjoy New York
Granny Really glad that you have had such an exciting time in Canada. Thank you for sharing it. Hope that you enjoy New York. xxx
Cathy I love the sound of a Christmas Shoo- obviously! Have a fantastic time in NY.xx