Sunday 1st April:
We tried to book our seats on the Premier bus but as only one runs a day it was fully booked so we managed to get another night at the hostel and stay in Brisbane an extra day. We went for a walk in the morning to the markets at a place called South Bank which was lovely.
Our afternoon was very cultured as we went to the museum and art gallery, which were both really great. To add to this we booked two tickets to go and see Michael Bourne's Swan Lake at the theate in the evening, his was a modern version with the swans being men (dressed as those in Billie Elliot). We dressed ourselves up and headed out, we were relieved we wore something nice as everyone had really gone to town, the women were all in extravagent dresses - thankfully we decided not to opt for the beach shorts and flippies! The ballet was fantastis and the lead guy was brilliant.
When we got back to the hostel we met a really nice girl from Chichester and she informed us there is a Chicagos there which Em was relieved to discover, at least she now knows the night life is nothing to worry about!
Monday 2nd April:
We stored our luggage and headed for the library this morning to take advantage of the free internet before we left Brisbane. Had a lovely lunch but almost missd our bus to Noosa as we didn't keep a very watchful eye on the time! Sprinted to the bus stop with our bags after getting them from luggage storage, dodging traffic and getting a few odd looks! Bus driver was a complete git, he could see we were struggling to get our bags onto the bus as there was hardly any room and he just stood there while we were sweating our arses off trying to get them on and then when Em managed to lever hers up he told her it was in the wrong section!
The journey was pretty short to Noosa and looked like a really nice place. We had a milkshake whilst waiting for the hostel bus. The hostel was not exactly the ritz but we had our own kitchen shared between 8 of us which was handy and the people we were sharing with were really nice. However, one of the guys said he had seen bed bugswhich panicked us slighty and there was also a dip in Em's bed so if she slept in a certain position her bum would be half way down to the bed below.....not a pleasent experience for the poor soul sleeping beneath her! We tried to book our next Premier bus but that was full too and we had to get to our next destination on a certain day so we forked out $25 and booked ourselves onto a Greyhound bus. We then booked all our other bus journeys so as not to have to do that again.Â
After lackering ourselves in insect repellent in a bid to deter the bed bugs we headed to bed.    Â
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