Thursday 12th April:
We left Hervey Bay today to make our way to Airlie Beach, checked out of the 'hospital' at 10am, bus wasn't until 9pm so had the day to kill. Walked up to the cinema, as really wanted to see Scoop but it wasn't on so settled for an Australian film called Razzle Dazzle, and lets just say don't think it will make it over to UK. It was so bad it was good! We looked around the shopping centre, although was hardly bluewater and Em brought some books, 'How To Kill Your Husband' and 'Expecting Emiy'!
The journey was 12 hours, and a nightmare,thank god for the blow up pillows otherwise wouldn't of got any sleep! Soph's seat wouldn't go back and the guy's infront of her was right back so now perfected her impression of a sardine!
Friday 13th April:
Couldn't check in until 10am so yet more waiting around for us! Got talking to a guy in a cafe that showed us some preying mantus', quite interesting but not thrilling to be looking at bugs when you're half asleep! Looked round the shops and posted some things home. When we finally checked in decided to get a double room, only a couple of $ more expensive, because the doem rooms had rat traps in them and you could bring your own sleeping bags so was worried about bed bugs. Room was ok, but resembled a builders onsite mobile, was all cardboarded up and smelt of mushrooms!
Checked in for our sailing trip in the morning and got our very attractive stinger suits!
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