Bonjour du Quebec. We are enjoying the unique experience of feeling like we are in a foreign country. It is great for Tim and me, having our own personal translators and travel guides. Moreover, it seems to be bringing back a whole bunch more Grade 7 memories for the kids that we hadn't heard over the years - which makes it even more exciting. We love the European feel and the agricultural affluence here which still resembles the check and tile fields of France. We have walked Old Quebec, (some 370 stairs), the citadel, the waterfront, and the top of the city wall. We have crossed suspension bridges over fantastic falls, entered reverently into majestic churches, and dined on poutine and fine wine. It is truly a beautiful province.
However, having hung around the French in Fort St. John for 9 years, we know they love to talk with their hands. Tim is still curious though as to why they feel the need to use so many words to say just one thing. Propane for example, in English is easy to ask for; "Excuse me, do you sell propane?" In French however, you need the better part of an hour to ask the question; "Pardonnez moi, vendez-vous du gaz de pétrole liquéfié naturel?" (No wonder they use their hands as well.)
We are now in Montreal, and it is HOT (35 degrees today). In fact, it is so hot we watched an elementary school yard "hose down" their kids before letting them back in! Tomorrow's forecast is even hotter! So we will hit the beach and save the cathedrals and city lights for a cooler day rather than melt altogether on the streets. (I just love the flexibility of being unemployed!)
- comments
Jen & Pete K How we envy you a VERY wet 14 deg in the UK - what a summer, keep it all coming we love to read it all
Grama Smith Such a special treat to read the very interessting Blog you post as you go!!Thanks a big bunch!
Eliza Stanford It's kind of a hoser day here too although it feels hot just being in the low 20's!!! Glad you are enjoying la belle province!