Although we were in Toronto, one of the greatest cities in Canada, we spent the majority of last week simply enjoying the company of Old Friends! We first met with Josée Anne Demarais-Rowe and her gorgeous little girl Juliette at our campsite. Josée Anne was Naomi's teacher for grades 4 and 5 back in 2004-2006 when we were all at Ecole Central. She came to Fort St. John from Sherbrooke, Quebec, to teach French, and could barely speak English. (Now she and Naomi are fluent in both!) It is wonderful to witness how our paths cross and part and cross again. Juliette is 2 and was excited to be on her way to see her cousin Charlotte who, in this small world, once visited us at our place when she was two! How fun is that?
On Saturday we had coffee with an "old" principal of mine whom I had the privilege of working with 20 years ago at Upper Pine. Bill Bailey is one of the most positive people I know. I will never forget the new challenges he wrote in the staff room every day, or the personal encouragement he spoke over each one of his staff at our gatherings. He's the kind of guy you think will one day be the mayor - of whatever city he lives in! However, there is a distinct motivation now which sets Bill's heart in a profoundly different category than most. A loss and pain far deeper than he ever imagined possible has challenged the very fiber of his soul. Bill has given me permission to mention his story in my children's book on grief. It is with great respect and honour that I discuss suicide in which Adam Bailey is remembered, forgiven, and loved. It is through this unfathomable chapter in Bill's life that we reconnected, and it was an absolute blessing to be together again. Bill's spirit is still as I remember it, full of hope and faith.
For 35 years, Daryl Potter and Tim have considered each other "brothers" (7 days apart) as they grew up through those "awkward" years together. They have lived together in Fort St. John, California, and Abbotsford and have played significant roles in each other's lives ever since. The last time we were with Daryl and Carolyn, Eli, Eden and Naomi were 2, 3, and 4 years old (perhaps the reason they didn't have kids right away?). This time however, we had the joy of getting to know their children, Mackenzie is now 11, and Jackson is 8. We spent a lot of time reminiscing, laughing, telling stories, and sorting out the gray lines between fact and fiction! Daryl (unfortunately for him and Tim) has kept journals, letters, and those prized photos of time gone by - which proved quite enlightening to the new generation! It was great to be able to spend quality time together catching up on all the changes that age, distance, faith, and time expose.
From one side of the province to the other (Ontario is ridiculously huge!) we met with even more friends. Bert and Lynne have been part of our lives for over a decade and are in fact on holiday like us. They live in Fort St. John and we met at Lynne's parent's place just outside of Dryden (a whopping 1900 kms from Toronto). Lynne (bless her heart) is one of two teachers to survive all three Smithlings. Lynne however did not just get them one at a time like most teachers do. She has in fact endured them all in various combinations for what would be the equivalent of six years (possibly seeming like eternity)! It began with Naomi in Grade 6, then Eden joined Naomi for a 6/7 split. Naomi left, Eden stayed, and alas Eli entered for another 6/7 split. Finally Eden left, leaving Lynne with Eli for Grade 7 by himself. I know her reward in Heaven will be enormous, and I'm sure her prayers were answered the day the last of the Smithlings graduated to Middle School. But ours were answered the day they entered her room. There are few things that warrant a parent's prayers for their kids more than for good friends and great teachers. We are so blessed to have found both in Bert and Lynne. Bert protects us fiercely, and Lynne, well, Lynne is just one of those beautiful people who makes your life so much better because she is in it. She is proof of God's blessing and answered prayer!
- comments
Lynne My lovely beautiful Roz, what a wonderful way to end my day. We are also the ones who are blessed to have friends like the whole Smithling family! Your blog brought tears to my eyes today. I love you mon amie! xo
Grama Smith wonderful, newsy yet to the point and oh so very informative! I so love reading your Blogs my dear daughter Roz;
Daryl We loved your visit and wish so very much you lived close. Jackson has been praying for the Smiths to go on vacation again soon (he assumes that means you're driving to Ontario Day 1 of the vacation) and we fully endorse his prayer :). We love you guys. Drive safe.
Josée-Anne It was fantastic to meet with you guys! It felt like I just saw you the day before! As usual, I felt warmly welcomed, part of the family! You are all wonderful and the year you just spent together as a family is a real inspiration for all of us! Love you, I wish you a smooth return to the "normal" life... I'll be thinkink of you! xx