Probably the most stimulating aspect of being here at Gleanings for the Hungry, is meeting all the wonderful people who have come here to do the same thing we're doing.Our friend list is growing daily.God has made such wonderful people everywhere - it's a shame we only have a lifetime to meet them all.
Today we heard Amazing Grace sung in English, Korean, and Apache, and our little family sang Jesus Loves Me in the Beaver language of the tribe I grew up in. The ladies from the San Carlos Reservation in Arizona are here for the week quilting, making soup mix, and working in the kitchen.Having been raised on bannock is was an absolute blast to make fry bread and Indian tacos with the Apache women.My Indian name is now Chief White Cloud, and we laughed ourselves silly when I recognized they too point with their lips and other similarities to that of my tribe! Their sense of humour is hard to beat.
Earlier in the week we met a Dutch family that runs a phenomenal dairy farm.Richard andMary Werstra have 8 grown children and 32 grandchildren.All the families are involved in the farm and every morning at 11:00 o'clock they all get together at the home place for coffee and dessert and lunch - in that order!We were welcomed like long lost friends, introduced to everyone, ate and drank, (fed a baby), and experienced some real Dutch culture. Later we toured one location of their 3 generation approximately 5000 cow dairy with a carousel milking parlour.Could have had a picnic on the floor!(I'll post some pictures.)
On Sunday we went to a really cool church in Fresno with five friends from the base we have been working with all week (Canadians outnumbered Americans two to one!).After church we went to Starbucks for coffee and dessert, and then went for lunch - again in that order.I'm liking this new sequence of nutritional ingestion.
As we sat outside on the patio of Starbucks we saw some curious things - not the least of which was an elderly skateboard riding cowboy being pulled by a team of 4 ferocious little shih-tzu terriers with a Starbuck's Latte in one hand and all four leashes in the other.
There is no such thing as an ordinary day and there is no ordinary person working or volunteering at Gleanings for the Hungry!
- comments
Suzanne Motola Wow.....So wonderful your time has been with Gleanings--and I like your name White Cloud....that can only be you next to the sun (Son)...a big compliment!
Amy Wow, sounds great!
Grama-Smith Your Blog today took me back to the 3 years we spent in AZ. with the Navajo students who came to high School there from the Navajo Reservation. We also had a Hopi and one girl from Northern MT. I have forgotten the name of the Res. Maybe Black Foot?? But the Navajo LOVED Mutton stew and fry bread. ( All the students enjoyed equally the good time, and gettingaway from the boarding School.) After SS on Sunday Morning we let them make the fry bread. We had already made the stew. What fun they had and how we enjoyed their laughing and as much the enjoyment of Home as was possible in the City. A trip to McDonalds brought fun as well as the times we took them to the park for a picnic. Our Children were near their age and Kathy was driving so she often took our station wagon to the school to pick up a whole pack, no seat belts then, of students for SS and dinner at our house each Sunday. That was a special time. Enjoy your journey. It will be very special to you all your life through...
Bruce Taylor Hello to all of you. I finally found your blog, thanks to Lori deKleine. Sounds like you are having a great time. It was great meeting your family in Redding at Bethel. My wife and I are going to a conference at Bethel in Jan from the 17th to the 23rd with Rick and Lori. Looking forward to it. The morning after I prayed for your family at Bethel I had a vision about what I think was your family. I will let you know about it in a separate email. Now that we have your blog we can follow you in your travels. In the meantime we pray that God Blesses you all and keeps you safe. Your friend Bruce Taylor, Trail, B.c.