HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!! You crack me up Smithers- 'save the bush!'
You proud of me for my flexi u-turn onto oncoming traffic?! I learned from the best!!!
Take care, Sarahrahrah (as colinlinlin likes to call me)
Hey Smithers,
Long time no CK messages.
my eyes have just become accustomed to the lack of natural light in the dimmest, darkest recesses of the dungeon. Can only see things if illuminated by fluorescent lamps.
Still unable to participate in conversations cause I can't hear anything over the constant hum of the server in my ears.
Like your new photos, and the thought of a 'pie floater' is very appealing. Would go well with the noodles......
Have fun,
Hey Hey Smithers!
Just realised I'd not posted a wee message on here for some time now. I think I've just about caught up on everything u've been getting up to, loving it all of course! Sounds like you're having the time of you life! The weather must be warming up over there. Have you been out and sampled the delights of Kings Cross on a Friday night or "I love the 1990's" at Coogee Bay Hotel yet? very very cheesy and full of backpackers but has to be done!! Ooh and look out for the Ibis birds, I was scared out my mind when I first came across one, they are so prehistoric and creepy looking! Take care and keep up the great journal entries!!
Love Caryn xxx
Hey Laura
I am indeed lining up second lunch as I type. No rice cakes involved, so no complaints in the office today.
It may not be a surprise but I can recommend a few places to eat in Sydney if you are looking for some good grub. Disclaimer: these places might not exist anymore as it was a long time ago (back when I had hair). I remember...
- Jed's in North Bondi as the guy serving had huge sideburns (food was good too)
- Well Connected in Glebe (sitting on the balcony with a huge plate of food and vat of coffee after having swam Olympic lengths in the pool along the road).
- Gertrude & Alice in Bondi (second hand book shop with tables in the aisles. Huge mezze platter, Will/2 person size helpings)
- Bar Italia in Leichardt (if you're hungry and want some high quality Italian scran. The gelati is magic too)
- Canteen in Balmain. A bit expensive & the food isn't that special but I used to work there and there should be a plaque on the wall ;-)
I'd better stop thinking about food as the rumbles are starting to drown out the buzzing of the server. Have fun!
Adventures In The Dungeon
Morning Smithers!!! Off to Oz eh? Good stuff. I thought I would give you a wee update from your old seat as a few things have struck me.
I completely forgot the amazing ability of Mr W Myles to pack away the chow: you must have seen some amazing stuff. This morning he ate his lunch at 10.30am and has now proceded to attack a bucket of yoghurt 11.30am. I can just imagine Steve I commenting: "this ones a real packa. Look at him get styuck into that roll. He luvs his chow. Fit as a fiddle though - there's not an ounce a'fat on im....."
Colin W is now back in da house and is settling into Colin Ks old desk. Colin K has taken up residence at the back of the dungeon in a bid to avoid any natural light. I think he'll need a sun lamp if he is to avoid SAD syndrome this winter.
I've secured a permit to napalm the jungle. Operation SOLAR FLOOD shall take place soon. I'll try and send some pics. I also think I am rated too straight on the flexi straight chart. Im pretty much the straightest guy in here which can't be right.
Sarah on the other hand has just jumped off the flexi board into the ocean of doom. She turned around her car on the dual carraigeway and drove into oncoming traffic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nuff said.
Hope your well and are having some sucess in dorm wars. Rub some chilli powder in their towels or something. That should "spice things up".
E. :-)
Hey Smithers!
Sounds like you are enjoying Oz already. Must be a nice change after being in SE Asia for so long now. Must be good meeting up with friends as well. When are you going to see Paul? That's so cool that you are maybe going to be meeting up with Miss Armour! You're gona have so much fun! Think Vicky will bring some straightness to your flexi adventures for a while!
Take care,
Sarah XXX
Eh up Smithers! Glad to hear you're surviving the wild adventures. The turtles sounded amazing!! Didn't realise you were heading to Oz so soon. Will you still be there for the first 3 weeks of October? I'm landing in Sydney on Monday 2nd and heading up to Cairns, leaving on Saturday 21st. Would be v cool if we could meet up - flexi adventures on the other side of the world! Should be ok as long as we don't hire a car ;) V xxx
Hi Smithers,
Sorry I haven't posted for a while, i've been of on my sunny holidays, I;ve just been catching up on your journal, it is hilarious. Sorry to hear that your roomates are such maddies peoples personal habits tut tut. I am afraid the jungle has become a bit mental since you left so I am agreeing with Euan on that one but we'll keep you posted.
We're officially mourning the loss of Steve Irwin in the office..I'm sure that Australia will be too. When you step foot Down Under the crocs will be saluting... or probably moaning that they didn't get a bite of Irwin after all these years of titillation! Respect Stevo.
Enjoy Oz Smitz - though you may need extra big ear plugs for the Byron Bay dormitories!
Hey Mrs. how you doing? Just a quick note to say that me and the big sis are all booked up!!! See you 29th December 2006 for the New Year Sydney build up!!!!!!
Love you and can't wait to see you xxx
We got Sarah doggy poo bags to cope with marrying Iain and his dog had to be waste aware! And a retrograde 50s housewife manual Environmentally friendly household cleaning tips and a cook book. Mwwahaa. Sarah's hen was fab - just reliving the night now. Had a glam cocktail party in Montgomerys, West End with a gazillion of Sarah's girlies. Heather had Sarah answer a 'Mr & Mrs Quiz' with a pre-recorded video of Iain's responses. Everytime she got a question wrong we made her dress up in bad-taste fancy dress. V.amusing. McPhie-to-be..not long now! hadn't you better be wearing a pseudo wedding ring to ward off sleazy men Smithers?!
Cant believe the belt-snake thing happened to you too!? Totally sympathise mate - I had a similar hysterical response in Ghana when this guy's belt fell on me from a top bunk whilst I was sleeping and I woke up the whole sleeper carriage thinking it was a snake! Glad I ain't the only one with super-snaky paranoia!
I'm soO jealous of your baby turtle encounter and egg laying! You're lucky its the right time of year to see them. Have you thought about scuba diving yet? you'd love it! take care xx Em
Hey Smithers!
Hope you are havin fun in Borneo. Just been down the street with Colin and Ewan and we were joking about getting a 'roll de sausage'. We went in to Greggs and without thinking he came out with 'Can I have a roll de sausage and a tuna crunch?' The woman just looked at him and said 'Di ye mean a sausage roll??!' Never seen Ewan so red.
Anyways- keep us posted with the flexi adventures of your voyage!
Sarah XXX (P.S It's my hen night tonight- wish you were here. Tell Vicky and Em to go easy on me... they went 'secret shopping' today... makin me nervous!)