Hope you had a great birthday yesterday!! Did you have a champagne breakfast?! Let us know what you got up to.
Love Sarah xxx
Mum Dad & Hasel
Hope you have a wonderful birthday on your tropical island.
Thinking of you and miss
Love Mum Dad & Hasel (maisie)
Hi Smithers,
Doesn't sound like you've had the best couple of days.
Don't worry about creepy ladies - probably something lost in translation!?
Orange water - think we could market that at the Glasgow neds. All over Tommy Sheridan tan - lovely. You should bring back a bottle.
Colin xx
'Toilet issues' might be the best euphemism I've heard in a while!
Sounds like you are going through the joyful rollercoaster that is travelling life - ripped off here, friendly person there, sweaty city today, gorgeous beach tomorrow... keep up the blog and maintain the sense of humour to keep us smiling in the office.
There's a bit of banana bread here for you by the way.
Will xx
Hello!!! Smithers Dolittle!
Sarah just sent me your website link, it has fairly cheered up my Friday afternoon, (Not that I wasn't working very hard, obvioulsy!)
Sounds like you are having a blast, loved the image I got in my head of you 'enriching' a crocodile! That's not something a lot of people can put on their CV!
Hope the next lot of travels are as good, I'll be an avid 'Smithers site' devote from now on. Missing all the SWAGer's and of course the hot and sweaty dungeon! (oo er!)
Have a great time and drink some rum for me!
Hey Smithers,
It's great to read all your updates...v amusing! So your in the big smoke now eh? Don't get a tuk tuk unless you want to visit a jewellery or tailor made suit shop! I could teach you a very useful phrase 'Mai ow' it means 'don't want'. If you want to be polite you can say 'Mai ow ka'. It should fend off those pesky tricksters.
I hope you really enjoy BKK and don't worry too much about safety- it's not as bad as everyone makes out (your mum will kill me!)
I had a wee sentimental moment earlier. Martin was sitting in your seat and I was making him a coffee and I automatically got out the Smithers cup. You know the blue patterned one I always gave you even although you hated it? I miss you mate! Things in the dungeon just aren't the same. Everyone is too STRAIGHT!!! (People are going to think I'm gay now).
My wedding invites are now out. Scary biscuits! Wish you could come!
Take care xxx
Hey Smithers,
Good to see the photos - looks like a couple of folk are trying the 'hottest shot in town' dance moves. In the photo 'Me and Pup', which one is the pup? Seems some spaniel ears are showing. Sorry, couldn't resist.
Have moved flat so am now a southsider - makes the commute even better.
Enjoy Bangkok,
Fee Eee
Speaking of mongooses!
I know a song about a mongoose!
About a guy who has a girl friend who lives on his roof and she is a mongoose!
just worked out how to post a message on this sorry its take so long! It also for some reason takes me a really long time to find you on this - not sure what my problem is!
love your stories though! when i get to them!
love fee
Hey Smithers
I AM SOOOOO PROUD OF YOU!!!!!!!!! Sounds like you are having a ball, all that crazy food (chilli - do we have that in Stirling). Some of your 'animal' friends remind me of a few ex's - always curious but wanted to walk all over you!!!!!!!!!
Love the pics, great to see you in action. I expect great things of you when you return, all that kareoke (Vicky, is this the correct spelling?) practice.
You need to ask Mssss Armour (think french translation) why she has suddenly become so 'flexi'!!!!! She'll probably kill me for this, but hey , life's too short!!!!
Stay safe
Hey ho smithereens! Good to hear you're getting up to lots of jungle mischief. I'm just back from Krakow - it was amazing!!! V hot and sweaty, but all good. I flexily forgot to put my out of office on, and caused a swagland panic when emma tried to put it on for me but couldn't find my laptop. Proably cos it was in my flat - oopsy! Down the flexi chart for me... Sounds like you're having lots of fun. We're missing you in the dungeon as it's v quiet this week. I'll email you properly when I've dealt with the inbox of doom and got my brain out of holiday mode! V x
Hi Lady Smithers, glad to hear your keeping well. I think your mighty brave, those pics you posted on the photo album page tell a few stories. I nearly cried when I saw flat Eric, poor wee thing!
Hope you coped ok with the overweight German blokes in tight pants, mmmmm, not a nice mental picture to have, it must have been scary to see. Things are going ok here, still hot hot hot, Maurice even wore his shorts last week (not lycra you'll be glad to hear, don't worry, we've said it to his face!!) I'm off for a few days next week then I start my new hours (yep, tortured my hubby to let me work less hours!!) Would you believe it, John Summers has sent an e-mail around KSB to let us know when the Xmas night out is, bloody nora, it's too hot to think of that just now!!!! Anyways, enough of my belthering, hope you continue to enjoy your adventures. Take care, K:-)