Sounds like you are having a brill time, SWAG land must seem like a million years ago by now.
Just thought I'd let you know that your recruitment agency sent though for a reference yesterday which I've returned (suitably glowing you'll be pleased to hear) so fingers crossed the job offers will come flooding in soon!
mmmm i love the mince and token veg too ! hey laura, clarko keeps me in the loop with how your getting on, glad to hear all is well and especially that your in st kilda ........ make sure to head down to racer cafe in your best and brightest lycra on saturday morning for some sweaty riding ....... it makes sense. Dont even think about doing the neighbours tour and do pay on the trams ...... you will be caught ... they are always watching ! gav (gavatron ?? or something like that)
Hey my flexi friend,
Just wanted to say a big THANKS for my flowers!!! They are v lovely and tropical looking. It was a lovely surprise- in fact I let out an involuntary noise. It was more of a squeal than a woop though.
The SWAGGERs have been v generous too!! (Just checked my wedding list- think it is becoming an unhealthy obsession). It is great being off work (sorry SWAGGers). Was running around a bit this morning getting some more things sorted out. Just chilling now until the rehearsal tonight. Wish you were here, but have lots of fun on your flexi adventures. Probably won't be in touch til after the honeymoon so...
ta ra!
Love Sarah Lee (not for long) xxx
I'm growing a beard as a haven for the wildlife that will be displaced when the bush is cut down, man.
Smithers. Did you start a coup in Thailand? You didn't get pissed with any army guys and say "lets' start a coup, it'll be SO much fun" did you? It says in the papers it was organised by General Boonyaratkalin but I reckon it should read "G. Boonyaratkalin and 00-Smithers"!!!
Anyway, enough of coups. It's hosing in down Stirling today and I've got damp trousers which is unpleasant. It's definitely autumn now and I am looking forward to bonfires, crispy leaves and chesnuts. Is it getting toasty in Oz - must be good!!!
Life in Dungeon is going well. Mr Aloe Vera is getting stronger and has almost recovered to full strength. Colin W has set up a row of Irn-Bru bottles which are filled up to different levels with water. It kinda sounds like a really bad tape of chilled Chinese music that continually plays "Mary had a little lamb" although I think Colin is hoping to move to other songs as soon as he can add more notes with more empty bottles. Appart from that, Will's beard is really big, Susanne is singing loads, we're all exited about Sarah's wedding (tres fun) and the bush is still to be tackled.
Loving the stories. Have a cool one in the sun for me.
E. :-)
Trim The Bush And Kill The Wasps Campaign
Hey Smithers,
Just to let you know that the trim the bush campaign has evolved into the trim the bush and kill the wasps campaign. While we were all working super hard today we noticed a large proportion of wasps entering the office, Colin killed 3 and Ewan got 1 or two! So we put two and two together and figured out the wasps are living in the bush, sorry but it has to go, far too much whooping has been going on and it wasn't from me or emma either!!! The boys are scared, the bush must be trimmed!
Hey Smithers
Long time no speak. Sounds and looks like you are having a ball down under, can't believe how cool you are about spiders!!!!!!
Life in the Kingdom is gooood. Mostly same old **** just different day. Jake finally found job and off to bright lights of London. So it's wine and crisps on the menu Monday to Friday in Saline( kids will have to fend for themselves).
Speak soon
hi ya laura, sorry its been a while since i wrote something, been away from computers for a while!
Back again though! so, eh last night we had a night out in stirling and it was fun, lots of creepy boys being stinky!
sarah and kathryn counted your change up and then bought a carry out - so thanks for that missus!
Cant believe that's you in australia already, times been moving quickly!
xxxxxx love fee fee xxxxxx
The Karaoke King
Hey kiddo, having you with us in Albury was just fantastic, so great to hang out again :) ...just a pity you didn't bust those funky dance moves onstage at Paddys - I knew I should've bought you more red wine, there's always Australian Idol you know :-P
Trim The Bush Campaign
Hey Smithers,
I would so be the same about spiders and snakes by the way, they are evil!!! Anyway, back to the bush campaign, we don't want to kill it just trim it, it has grown lots in your absense and now we can't get any light anymore and ewan has taken to playing jungle music at 3pm each day!!! Its all very crazy, trim the bush!!!
Sarah Clark
so jealous of you and wayne, wish i could be in oz with you. am missing you both.
all my love x x
Love the photos. Keep them coming.
The pie floater reminds me I need to go and get my lunch...
Did you go into the pub at Watsons Bay? I remember swimming about near there then going for a refreshment only to be faced by pictures of the big sharks they'd caught nearby. Last time I swam there...