Damn somke-totting Monk, that wasn't very "religous" of him, he won't be getting through the pearly gates without a fight!!!! Hope the wee puppy is ok though.
Your journal entires keep getting funnier and I am really impressed with how your holding it together with the beasties, I would have totally freaked out by now. I was taking the goo the other day when I found 2 spiders lying on their backs in the kitchen cupboard, 16 legs in the air, yucky yuck yuck. Thai karaoke sounds fun fun fun, I'm sure it won't be long before your singing along with them!!!
Take care and I look forward to the next instalment of your journal. You're like the female version of David Attenborough!!!!
Hey Smithers,
We think you might be high on insect repellant. Don't panic. Sounds completely surreal with Horses in Kitchen's eating dog food....
Guess what? Kenny perv Boag wanted to car share with me. I'm still traumatised. Hope he doesn't read this website- ok I'm paranoid too.
Missing you! Loadsa HUGS and KISSES, Sarah xxxxxxxxxx (I know you love it!)
Sounds like the DEET is giving you some nasty hallucinations.
Horses......in kitchens?
Aw hun you're doing great with the scary beasties! Mind you they probably pale in comparison when you've got to cope with My Humps in Thai - it's bad enough in English! Have you ever seen it done in sign language? Hilarious! Well have fun and keep us posted. Missing you loads in the dungeon.
V x
PS It's "karaoke" - you were close, but no cigar, flexi head!
Irish G:*
hey miss smith!
what a fun journal- i would be very afraid of the monkeys and insects. I am brave with scary people but not animals as I dont understand them- apart from dogs. You are brave brave brave.
Keep havin crazy times!!!
ps -Post pictures of the hornets as i dont know what a hornet is. Oh! and the prostitues too!! ;o)
Good to hear you are bonding with the animals - have you freaked anyone out with involuntary whooping noises?
Do the taxi drivers watch where they are going?
Hi Smithers
You are brightening our dull waste days, well done woman especially re-large insects..........
You might be glad to know we are putting you on as a standard item on the exciting team meetings agenda, so we can keep everyone posted.
And you thought you'd escaped.......look after yourself, and keep us posted love nick x
You are certainly brightening up the deathly dullness of the darkside with your tales of jungle adventures! You seem to be coping very well with the beasties - I'm well impressed! Shall I just tell my next enquirer re bird poo to compost it and pass them your details for more top tips??!!
I'm actually getting a bit quiet on work so might have to go and dust some plug sockets to pass the time before your next journal entry!! :-)
My my smithers, I'm impressed. Cohabiting with blue hornets and lizards. You're beginning to sound like a sandal-wearing, rebus-huggin, love-to-the-bugs hippy traveller already! sounds like you're perserving in humid harmony with the beasties really well. Well, I know you don't get a choice in the matter! Have you come across those giant red and black millipedes yet? delightful creatures that tend to inhabit the long-drop. Sounds like you're having some awesome hands-on experiences with the animals. Playground designer for Thai otters hey? and Elephant washing! I'm sO jealous!
Have you had sansomg whiskey buckets or the x10 strong red-bull? Take care yoo!!! keep the stories coming. lol xxx
PS. Sarah's taking me to T in the Park, yez! Not quite as hot n sticky as you've got it but as smelly no doubt, wee screamin' monkey chavs :)
Totally agree with Ewan. Almost feel more sorry for him that his name reminds him that he is related to the domestic cat. Yuck!
Ewan Mckenzie
Dude!!! Sounds like you are having an awesome time - beasties and all inclluded. What a sad name for a Tiger - Meow!!! I think you should re-name hime "Roar" or "Grrr" once his recovery is complete.
McKenzie over and out.......
Hey lady - o my gosh craziness! Sounds fab so far, loving the Lost-esque creatures of the jungle! I hope you're having fun and not missing the dungeon too much. I'm now officially on the dark side so it's pretty dull without us anyway (joking)! Keep us updated on all your monkeying around and take care. Good luck with the tropical beasties and lizards, you're doing well! V x