Hi all!
Hope everyone is good. I'm still in perth, even though the map would suggest im in tasmania. It also keeps coming up with perth in ahfganistan - surely nobody would be writing a travel blog from there?!
Im having difficulty with the old blog at the mo, I cant get onto the message board, I can't even scroll down the page (which is tres annoying). Think its maybe this gimpy computer - we have free internet in the flat but it has so many 'personality traits' that it makes it impossible to do anything with it.
Still no definite work plans but getting there. yesterday i did a filing job in the governments radiation department. I was basically shut away in a big vault and left for hours with lots of interesting info to read (well, file). I have only made about 300 dollars the past two weeks so Im going to be living like a pauper as that just covers my rent an no more. Its been a really frustrating week with the agencies. Now im being promised a week reception role at an anvertising agency from one agency which is all good except they used the word 'bubbly' alot in the job description (smithers=bubbly?). they also said that presentation was important, and since the iron took a dislike to one of my only two shirts, i think i might find that a bit tricky!!
Another agency has said they will give me a week's work doing data entry and then a 3 month contract doing debt collecting. i just don't know who to trust or believe.
I met up with my friend from the hostel soraya, last night and we went to this place called moon. it was a really cool bar with good live music and the bar guy even let me drink tap water all night!! She is going to try and get me a weekend waitressing job at her work. I dont mind working flat out, 7 days a week for a month or two. Oh, did i tell you that the abandoned animal people i work for on saturdays are being dodgy with my pay too? It makes me mad that they would keep money from me when they are suppossed to be a legitamate charity and I work really hard for them.
Anyways, moan over. Going to get my aching limbs back to bed. Was up super early waiting for the agencies to ring. Oh, im aching from doing a session with a personal trainer at the gym (free with my prize). It was soooo tough as the guy was a big macho muscle man. At one point I had to lift his whole weight with legs!! By the end of it I was a shaking wreck - don't think I'll be doing that again!! Although i did like punching him with the boxing gloves!
will speak to you guys soon.
smithers X
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