Hi all!
Just a quick one as i am against the clock!!  Still in the hostel in perth. managed to get 2 days work with one of my agencies. im doing reception work at some sports association thing (i hate sport). I basically go on the internet all day and work the switchboard now and again. Since I answered the phone alot at SWAG i feel i can cope with it (gooooooooooooooo  d morn..after noooon). Im doing debt collecting next week - seriously!!!
The hostel is ok still, think im going to end up here for the entire time as there isnt any rentals here. I get on with most of the people in my room so its okay. One of the guys is really laying it on a bit thick with me and we had a rather awkward moment yesterday where i think he was going to try and kiss me ( definately not interested). Its a shame because he is a nice guy if he would just ne normal. He started being all weird again this evening so i have come down to the common room to chill for a bit (giving me the heebies).
Another of my roomies keeps coming in at 2.30 and switching all the lights on - very close to losing the plot with him also. everyone else is sound though.
I went out with judy and one of her work people tonight as she was doing some business in perth. She took me to this japanese restaurant in subiaco (posh suburb). It was really nice to catch up - and to eat some nice food!! Judy also got me goody bag full of stuff such as sweets and hair stuff, feel guilty because i didnt get her anything. She is back in town in a few weeks so I will no doubt see her again.
speak to you all soon
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