well it is the morning after the full moon party and i am still intact. Decided to be super careful last night as there was much too much madness going on around us. I finally met up with all the people from the animal shelter yesterday which was good but lost alot of them after 2 minutes on the beach!
It was a really good night but there was alot of sleazy guys. i managed to lose another set of flip flops and now own a rather garish looking pair with shells on - maybe that will ward off the flip flop theives. Me and my friend stayed up to watch the sun rise which was slightly marred by the amount of brightly painted lifeless bodies lying on the beach - oh dear i think there will be some regrets this morning!
Got home about 6.30, said goodbye to the guys ive been hanging around with and eventually found some of my friends from the shelter - and its only 11am! I've got lots to sort out today for my move onto malaysia tomorrow so i'd better get cracking.
see you all later
laura XX
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