Eric and I got a train at 6am to get to the border and we were the only 'western people' on the train. Lots of scray policemen with guns all congregated in our lane and i thought something bad was going to happen but they were only coming to shut the broken train door (and between 6 of them they couldn't even do that properly).
From the station we took a motorbike taxi (sorry mum last one i promise) and then walked over the border which took about an hour in total. I then said goodbye to eric and then shared a lift to the port with a german couple.
Things started off well when I fell onto the boat and slid all the way down the boat and into a big puddle! I could tell people wanted to laugh but instead they chose to look concerned! Encountered the roughest , worst speedboat journey ever (note to self: wear something more supportive than a bikini top next time).
Arrived on the beach and began to searcch for a place to stay. I walked from one end of the beach to the other in the blazing heat before i got something. The place was basically a tin roof and not much else, no light, no toilet and only an outside shower......but i was so exhausted i had to take it! The perentian islands only have power between 7.30 at night to 5 in the morning which is a bit of a pain really. Made friends with my first malay cat who I called Maa because she doesn't meow she just makes a "maaa" sound plus she is a mummy.
That night I went for tea which was baracuda salad. i haven't had any meat or fish in so long i felt I needed some.
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