Vanaka(thanks) for all your nice birthday messages - much appreciated!! My birthday was great, we went on a boat trip to an island, snorkelled, drank and ate until the sun went down - brilliant!!
Camera 7 broke also - Olympus are poo. Waterproof camera- Nope!
Yesterday we just lazed around, went paddling and just generally enjoyed our last day in fiji. We absoltely love this place and the people. last night we played some ridiculous drinking games with a whole heap of people and by the end of the night we were mixing all the rules together and everyone was having to drink copious amounts of liquor!!
I forgot to tell you about the freak that's been in our room the past few days. .... Its this big issue seller from melbourne who, let's just say, is slightly coo-coo! He can't really hold a conversation and looks at us funny(think he is a bit mentally disabled). he talks to himself when everyone is trying to sleep and all we were able to make out was the words "3 b****es "(which we think is related to us three) "kill' and "poofter". Its pretty freaky when your trying to get to sleep! The other night I was making a plan in my head of what i would do if he tried to kill us!!
He's also really obsessed about his belongings and he said to kathryn on the first day that we'd better not go near any of his stuff (as if we'd want to ). he switches the light on countless times during the night and checks his suitcase then gets up, locks the door which is pretty annoying when you need to pee during the night and you get back to find you're locked out. Me and one of the cleaners walked in on him naked yesterday which has also added to the akwardness - eurgh!
Ah well, no more weirdo fun, although im sure L.A will have plenty of weirdos!!
Heading off at 3pm to the airport. Our flight is at 10pm and then we embark on our 10 hour flight to L.A. We actually gain time as it will be 2pm on the same day when we arrive as when we left - if you get what i mean?!! We are staying at venice beach to hopefully keep away from the city weirdo's that I encountered last time I was in L.A.
I'll let you know how we get on in a day or so......
take care everyone,
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