Sorry to hear you are having such a miserable time...NOT!
Just a qiuck message to wish you a Happy New Year and not to forget to compete the Crocodile Dundee check on the local filly's!
Glad to know you are keeping your helmet on whilst riding those dangerous roads and enduring all those stares from the locals. God knows what they would do if you took it off!
Also whilst looking for something else I found this on the web, it's a distribution map of Steve Smith's in the good old US of A, time to plan your next trip!
Watch out Texas.
don't worry about the pictures mate, keep them coming. I'm getting quite impressed with your technique actually, I love the pics of the sunset over the mekong delta, and the one with the
silhouetted kids playing in the surf at sunset (or was it sunrise?).
Great pictures mate - like the one of you wearing camoflage make-up, are you pretending to be Chuck Norris cos you're in the Mekong or is it just dust from riding the roads around
Also like the one of those lads in the orange robes walking through the streets, are they doing community service?
Everton might be out of the FA cup, but we're still in the carling cup, me and stew are off to goodison in a couple of weeks to watch the second leg, and we'll have Arteta and Fernandes back then
(looks like we're signing him today!), as well as the goodison roar.
Stew's not well at the moment, he's got the flu - I know this cos I went around to his house on Tuesday night to watch the Chelsea match and he kindly gave me the flu as well - although to be fair
he also gave me crisps and beer, so I shouldn't complain too much.
And finally I'm glad to see that they we are exporting one of the best manx beers out to the far east - Tiger beer, who'd have thought they'd have it out there!
Have another for me mate!
Hi Jay,
Sorry if I am frustrating you with the picsa of the scenery and weather, but its just so great here!
On a beach now in Cambodia and chillin with a cocktail in a hamock....honestly....christ I feel like I have retired about 20 years too early...
Hope all is well with you and that Everton being knocked out the FA cup and then beaten by Chelseas isnt hurting too much....
Up the Pilgrims!
its raining here, and cold and really raining, I mean really really really raining, .... and cold! So thanks for making us all feel even more down by posting pictures of yourself in some exotic hotel with white beachs and palm trees
Just kidding mate - looks great and sounds like you needs a rest, and this travelling lark seems to be doing you the world of good - you look positively svelt.
Just having a break from year end to update myself on your travels, and the first thing that comes to mind is that we should have a lads trip to one of these places, and seeing as how you're there, you should do a scouting trip and check out the places of local interest and post the photos on here.
I'm interested in the historic monuments, Topper wants to see all the tobogan runs, Stew is looking for potential business contacts and Fergie is interested in hearing from any ladyboys you might bump into (its ok - he's not gay or owt, he was just interested in having the operation himself).
If you can't find any of the above then just find out about local bars and strip clubs instead
Steve,Found this report on annova and have cut and pasted it for you. You can now do something usefull in China. However, no photos please.In China an artificial intelligence expert claims we will be having sex with robots by 2010.Dr Whan Chang says by then robots will be nearly indistinguishable from real people.In his report, Sex With Robots: The Evolution of Human-Robot relationships, he writes: "Great sex on tap for everyone, 24/7. What's not to like?"According to Chang, the people who are most likely to benefit from these sexbots are those so ugly or isolated that they have trouble finding human romance.He said: "They're lonely, they're miserable. I think society will be a much better place when they have an alternative that satisfies them without doing any harm to other people."If there was a robot of the sort I describe in the report, I would certainly want to experience using it for sex and I wouldn't regard it as anything untoward.Dr Chang from the Shanghai University is looking for human guinea pigs to test his theory with the robots. The university is recruiting 20 males and 20 females to take part in the test over the next three months and the recruiting process starts on the 15th January 2008.
Yes youve guessed it I am now in Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon to you oldies!!)...cant put anything on the Blog as its down for a few days getting maintenance on it, but this messageboard still works I think.
Cheers for all the messages and New Year wishes etc.....Happy 2008 to everyone!!! (Stewart..thats Messages not massages!!!)
Itslate 20 degrees here and sticky. Tommorrow off to the Meakon Delta by boat. Place is amazing, millions of bikes.....
Happy New Year and hope you got a Chinese massage for NY.
got back last night, loads to catch up on, been reading your blog and about to start looking at your pics. Sounds like you are living the dream man... (the dream being that the Pilgrims can make it to the Premiership! The rumours here are that we're buying gosling by the way... )
Anyway mate, thanks fo rthe e-mail it was much appreciated, but didn't get it until my return. All the best to you and your loved ones hope you had an amazing christmas and new year!
Hey Steve,
Hope you had a great Christmas and are having a great Neew Year...With Love Tony, Diana, Salma and Isabella
Looks like your having a great trip...see you soon xxx
Hi All,
Just to wish EVERYONE a HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS 2008......have a great New Years Celebrations (Hogmanay for you Scots out there!!) and make sure you make some New Years Resolutions that you can stick to!!!!
All the best
Just a quick message to say have a great 2008. What a place to see it in, Hong Kong !! . Anyway thought I would send this early as may not be in a state to do it tomorrow night. Have a great one.
Tim,Sarah,Ella and Mum and Dad
Hope you had a great Christmas - we are all gearing up for Hogmanay here!! Mike Q just back from the IOM - he says nothing much has changed -still cold!!