Thanks for all the fun messages boys...really funny reading them and just think I thought we had got so drunk in the many places we went together that no one would be able to remember the level of detail which is coming out.
Keep them coming ...they're great.
I will try and reply to you each personally when I can and maybe when the weather is crap, but hey I dont want to spend all my time in these internet cafes.....
Jay - Topper - cheers for the tips.....will do.
Stewart - cheers for your tip...yes her Blogs far better than mine.... Also good to hear germany was fun second time around.....did you get hit by any flying furniture.
Off to eat some Guinea Pig as my mum and dad wouldnt let me have one when I was a kid so time for some revenge!!!
Herr Pubic
Guten Tag
I sink zee fraulein's ad eaten too much sautkraut! Dat is vye zey ver smilink so much>
Glad to see your having a good time and that you have managed to have a beer or two. I notice in your photos you have had the same shirt on for a few days bit like Jay in Stockholm.
Just back from Nuremburg where we had a great time and like at the World Cup a great atmosphere in the town. "Iche Liber diche" Froline still brought a smile to the German ladies faces.
For anyone reading Smudgers blog if you click on browse journals you get to read others peoples blogs "Jessicas" looks great and her photos of her and her mates dressed as maids, devils and in there bikinis make for some very interesting photos!
Best of luck in Peru mate.
Good to read that you are enjoying yourself. I have had a look at the photo's and Peru looks great.
One tip is try and get other people to take the photo's, so you are in more! You will appreciate this when you get back and are having a slide show for manx party friends at Stewarts house.
Keep enjoying it mate, it looks like you have been lucky with the weather so far.
All the best
Hola Steve,
glad to see you are ok and starting to fill your blog, sounds great mate - you seem to be packing so much into the trip and the pictures are wonderful.
Actually talking of the pictures, I sat down with a coffee to watch the latest slideshow, and after I'd finished my coffee, I decided to have a full english breakfast, which took a little while for me to prepare, and then I made another coffee to go with it, and then I decided to read the oaoers to see whats been happening in the world, and then I watched the footie for a while, and you know what? The slideshow STILL hadn't finished!!!
Far too many photos there mate, think you must have had too many coco leaves and were feeling a bit too "energised", - you did say it was a two day "trip", so in future just put the important ones in, like the scenery, pics of you and pictures of the lapdancing bars you visit along the way....
OK mate - keep enjoying the trip and keep posting, and if you see Paddington, tell him that coat was never a size 4, it didn't even cover me belly and you know how slim I am....
Inca Roca
Hola Inca Smudge
Welcome to Cuzco and hope you are enjoying Peru. Be sure to visit the late night dancing club and say hi to Mama Michay of the Hanan Inca tribe. A note of warning though, if you get up on stage, please remove your shoes and socks! Shouldn't be a problem for you.
Also beware of the Hurin Hurin nitespot, if you venture in, be sure to cherry pick and make sure if you do go up in the elevator you are back down within the prescribed time limit (30mins). Otherwise the Inca bouncers will be in. Alternatively you could use the steps, I believe there are 53 of them!
Mucos respectos
Mickey Evans
Mr Smith,I wandered where you had gone as I haven't had any hits on my personal web page for a while. I was in Peru once for a pre season trip, which was the last time Plymouth got out of Devon. It reminded me a bit of Plymouth with all the car parks, people wearing the same clothes and the clapped out fiats on the road. The only thing missing was a good pastie and repeats of Doc Martin.I have updated my website and now have a fans photo page so I expect one of you in the Pilgrims strip and if you have Paddington's coat, please wear it as I will touch my leg and think of you!Enjoy you travels and keep the gays sailors in your heart or were ever you fancy keeping them.Mickey Evans - 10
Paddington Bear
Hello Mr Smith
As it is currently half term in Peru, I am on holiday until next week but if you want to meet up for a marmalade sandwich and a cup of cocoa, i can meet you on Monday night. Or if you fancy a curry they do a mean Guinea Pig Korma at the Home for Retired Bears in Lima centre.
I see Jay has got my Ted Baker dufflecoat and just hope he hasn't bloody stretched it. It should be OK as it is Size 4.
I'm watching the derby on Saturday, Darkest Peru v Lightest Peru, and you know how drunk i will get after that.
All the best Pads x
Bridget Jones
Hey Stevie
Estelle passed on a message about your travels but i don't know if we have met. I was a bit drunk that night in Skools Out and can only remember an old guy that looked like a poor mans Martin Platt, doing sit ups to "lets get physical" by Olivia Newton John!!
I am surrey if you were there that night and hope you forgive me for being a tipsy toad.
I am meeting up with Michelle (McManus) on Friday for a drink and will let her know you're away in case she isn't aware. She did say that Estelle had been quite short with her the other week!
OK Steve take care out in the big wide world and if you do see "Nobby" (Salano) make sure you give him a big kiss from me!
Love you from BJ xx
Frank O'santander - Ceo
Hola Steve
I have just been perusing the personnel records (I found them on a skip at Douglas Tip) and note that you have left our company are travellin.
You never mentioned these plans while nibbling on my chorizo the last time we were together. Oh well I just wish you all the best and at least your signature will be the right way up when you are down under.
If you are going to MEH HI HO please say hola to all my amigo's working for the Banco out there.
We have managed to secure a home for your frozen pension fund, We think it is a very good choice sir and is called "The Robert Maxwell-Retirement Gift Fund". Hope this is OK in your absence.
Harry Potter
Dobby,I was sent details of your trip or should I say "trips" from one of the old Plymouth massive. Can't believe your in Peru and going to all these great places. As you know I travel quite a bit from the real world to muggle world so here are a few tips about Lima -A) Any lady you meet with extra large feet and a husky voice do go with.B) Any "gringos" gyrating don't take your shoes off or wear white socks.C) If you get the chance visit the bars around Parque Kennedy and go to Señor Frogs and Teatriz. Don't go down the side streets here as you meet a couple of Hagrid look-alikes (unless you want to of course!)Finally, I will meet you when you get to Brazil as we can wear our leather pants and flash our wands.See you in Rio Dobby.HP
Hopper- The Real One
Hi Steve
I see you have arrived in Peru and that guinea pigs haven't been mentioned on your message board for a couple if days.
I was in the Queens the other night and saw our old friend Chopper and he said to pass on his regards. He had been speaking to Cropper and Whopper and they are travelling at the moment with Flopper. They are in Liverpool at the moment and move on to Chester next month.
Anyway I am off on holiday shortly but will be going on my "bobbies" unless Chopper can get time off but he is busy seeing "brokers" and dropping off correspondence. Me and Chopper are just mates anyway so it doesn't matter if he can't make it.
Anyway, thats enough about me. Look out for the next 4 posts that i will do under different names in the next 6 minutes .
Yours Truely Hopper
Good luck on your travels Steve and watch out for the Guinea pigs