I'm a bit of a blog virgin (yes - 1st time!). Hope the trip's goin' well. Stu was down here in sunny Jersey, but brought the IoM weather with him. All back to normal again. Met up with Malcy & Andy for curry in that place in Sand St - excellente! Head guy (or is that Manager?!) was asking for you Steve.
Talking of sad day for English football (Jay) reminds me of the txt message some Scottish guy showed me at work today - the one about the three lions (on shirt) being replaced by three condoms - to mark worst fcuking period in English football (apologies to ladies); I thought to myself: "neither you nor I can talk!" (before any of you FB's say it!!).
Have a great time in Brazil & avoid all those (ugly) Brazilians - reminds me of the story attributed to George "Dubla" - where the senior military advisor comes in and says "two hundred Brazilians were killed in action today" & Dubla asks "How many in a Brazilian?"!!
Over & out,
Steve and blog guests
on the browse journals check this one out Charlenes travels -http://www.offexploring.com/charlene/blog
Smiffy think your in the wrong place head to Aus and I noticed on Charlens blog Paddington has placed one.
Stevie mate,
I'm sad to say that yesterday heralded one of English footballs most tragic days, despite all the talk and the bluster it was all for nothing.
Gone is the bulldog spirit, gone is the never say die attitude, gone is the hope and the glory, yes, its true, Wednesday 21st November will forever be known as Black Wednesday in England... Holloway has gone and left Plymouth... http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/teams/p/plymouth_argyle/7102436.stm
On a brighter note - anyone up for travelling to Austria and supporting Sweden in next year's Championships?
Your worries are over Plymouth are manager less and looking for a new coach to take them to the next level, what ever that is!
Steve (and probably Topper)
a friend of mine is going around the world in January so as I've got them in the secret santa I thought of getting them something they'll find useful on their travels - any suggestions?
Its only a tenner so boots, tents, GPS, flight tickets, etc are out. I was thinking of something smaller, easy to pack and definitely cheaper.
I was thinking of condoms, but don't want to get her a tenners worth... she'd have no room left for her ballgown...
Hey Jay!
Youre writing more on my blog papers that I am!
keep it up, its great to hear from you and your exciting Blogging from IOM. I recon you should copyright your IOM Blog, because I think its 100% right for nearly everyone who works in IOM and you could make a fortune...thats a second fortune by the way! House the appartment extension going?
keep up the message mate.....loving them
Hi Stewart,
Hope your eyes didnt hurt too much and now you can see ok! Just dont look in the mirror...it will shatter all your illusions!
Off to Jersey eh? Dont forget if BOI need a local man then I am back in late April 2008!
keep up the messages and stop swapping boy bands as thought you were still going to join up with Take That...or is it the Spice Girls now? I see the Pussycat Dolls are looking for a new band member?
Claire and Mike,
Thanks for the great messages and for staying in touch. Weather here is now really nice with the occasional bit of rain, but soon clears up. Got to 29 degress in Rio. Got a few mozzi bites but it goes with the job. Hope Santander is treating you guys well. keep seeing their adverts on billboards and ATMs and it keeps reminding me one day I will have to come home and get a job....not just yet though!.
Having read your blog mate, it has inspired me to also do a blog of my life here on the isle of man... here's the first installment..
"Got up today. It was raining and quite windy. Went to work. Worked. Came home and had some soup (I'm on a diet) and cheese and onion crisps (I'm hungry). Went to bed"
Right, I just need to find out how to copy and paste and thats my blog done through to January....
Must admit though, its a bit bland when compared to yours....
Glad your trip is going well and it was good to hear you have met PJ & Duncan although I could have sworn they are in Australia doing "I am a celebrity get me out of here".
On reading your blog I can't belive your falling for the currency scam. Just remember to shout "police Police" and all will be ok.
Thanks for the birthday card and with my new eyes I was able to read it. After seeing the lightening seeds photo I am so glad I have had my eyes done as I am sure if you look closely at that photo it looks like the "Proclamiers" on tour.
Off to Jersey now so will check on your house.
Enjoy those Brazilians.........
Claire Forbes
Sounds like you are having a great time - lots of adventures - weather here very stormy - today not unlike the IOM - so your comments about the cable car on the IOM made me smile :-))
Take care
You'll have a whale of a time out there. I have a friend that's gone to work out there and apprently beers around 30p a pint ! you'll be well at home !