Hope all going well, watch out for the chunky pasties' their made from guinea pigs and apparently they give you wind.. bit like the curry really.
Keep well
Was going to say a few words, but didn't know what to say.
Ste Woods says hi, he was going to type you a message but can't reach up to the message board...
Right la, how's it going mate, did you get in touch with Nobby Solano..
Hope all ok and trip going well mate
Heard you were heading off, just to let you know, if you meet Chistian in Peru, pass on my regards.
ps don't sit next to anyone who ticks, the Peruvian Guinea Pig Freedom Fighters are on recon..
Hi Stevo,
Peru still sounds more exiting than Jersey so make the most of it.
If your near Dubai on your way round the world let me know.
All the best.
Jay (There's Only One Mrs Dittman)
Great to see you got off ok, now get your head down and get some kip - then take loads of pics and post a few on here!
If you go anywhere near darkest Peru, don't mention to Paddington that I've got his dufflecoat!!!!!!
Good luck in Peru. Hope you enjoy the roast guinea pig, but lay off the green leaf tea..
Mr Smith,
Many happy travels my friend. I hope you are not going to lost touch with the Pilgrims while on your travels ! Have a great time sir and keep in touch !!
Stevie babe,
You com bak to Thailand - I love you long time again - this time you get discount. XXXXX
Mrs Dittman (The Real One)
Guten Tag Steven
Have a great trip my special friend, and i understand you do not intend to visit Europe, however, you are always welcome in Frankfurt.
With one proviso, Please don't bring your friend Mr Hanky, i think it would finish my father off if he saw that man again.
Have a wonderful time and i look forward to seeing your photo's.
Got to go now, i'm up to my elbows with stuff to do! Same old S*it really.
Guten si luck fella
Jay (The Real One!)
it was good to see you before you set off mate, have a great trip and take loads of pictures, and don't forget to upload a few of them on here!
good luck fella,
Topper has shown me how to work ths site! Good to see you and best of luck on your travels.
Keep in touch and you never know by time you come back the "Gay Sailors" may be still in the top 6...