Diverse options for different travelers/families/groups
Safe locations
Commutes are easy with many highways and interstates
Kindness holds high priority in the culture
Weather is unpredictable
Distance between attractions
Tourism is pretty concentrated to the cities, new businesses would need to follow pattern to be successful
Lots of growth because costs are low
Diversity of options makes for diverse interests, opening even more opportunities
Unique culture of area leads to opportunities in cultural tourism
Travelers aren't usually "just passing through" if they're there, that's their purpose
Residents of rural areas aren't likely to welcome new developments
Trends reach the area later than everywhere else
Missouri is a place of beauty in all its forms. The people are kind and love to talk about the things they know and love about the place they call home. They are incredibly interesting in their lifestyles, priorities, and even accents. This is a part of the world where lifestyle determines accent, not geographic location. The landscape is one of the most diverse in the midwest, maybe even the whole United States. The southern half is rolling hills, the northern is flat plains similar to those of the Great Plains in the western U.S. Within those areas are rivers, valleys, farms, lakes and cities. The cities are full of history, shopping, live shows and some of the best food around. The old, new, shopping, industrial, and business districts attract a wide variety of residents and visitors alike. The Show Me State keeps no secrets, you just have to be willing to find them, experience their story, and fall in love with them.
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