It is Saturday today and just before 8 am in the morning. Already hotter here then summer was at home. Rene and I have been awake since 6:30 this morning. Still finding the time change a bit to get use to. But at least last night we were only awake around 4am for about 30 minutes before falling back to sleep.
Friday we decided to see the Grand Palace since we were spending an additional day here in Bangkok. It is really a site to see, the grounds are filled with beautifu buildings, many of them are temples and some are homes where dignataries stay when they come to visit. We took a few pictures of the buildings and will get then on our site once we get a chance to upload them. Spent a couple of hours walking around in the hot sunshine. And of course I had to have my shoulders covered so on went my sweater when we first walked on to the grounds.
We decided to get lost in Bangkok yesterday afternoon. Walked to the other side of Khoa San Road and off to the River. Found that there is quite a nice area right next to Khoa San that we would definately like to check out a bit more. Lots of guest houses and the street is more of a coble stone style. Seems a bit more relaxed and not as crazy as Khoa San.
Walked to the river checking out the people, cars, carts, old buildings etc. Went down a road that was filled with plant shops out on the side walk area. At the end of the road we found the pier for the ferry taxi and took it back to one of the parks that we located not too far from us. When we come back in a week or so I think that we will check the river ferry system out and may be take a ride up and down the river. There was a frenzy of fish feeding by the peir too, was quite amazing really.
Thursday we went off to check out China Town. Got ripped off a bit by the Tuk Tuk driver with the price of what it was to get there. Paid half the price getting back home.
But we learn as we go. China Town was a bit over whelming. Lots of streets and lanes and stalls everywhere. If you are looking for some knock off porn DVD's this is the place to come. Every time you saw a bunch of guys around a stall you knew what they were looking at purchasing. We might have been in the wrong area of China Town because what we saw mostly was what we would not buy, like air pressure machines, home plumming and fix up stuff, we did see lots of DVD's and electronic devices though. All I was looking for was a good place to have a meal. With getting lost amoungst all the walk ways you would think that you would find a lot more food place, but as I said maybe we were in the wrong area and we did not have a map which would have come in handy. So we headed back to our stomping grounds to find a meal.
This afternoon we head up to Chiang Mai for about a week to 10 days. Have plans for what we want to do up there. Tomorrow is the Sunday Walking Market and we look forward to spending the late afternoon into the evening wandering about.
Most likely won't do much in Bangkok today since we have to be out of our room by 12 pm. So it is a good time to check out the internet and send some emails. We fly out of the domestic airport around 3:20 this afternoon and it takes about 1 hour to get to Chiang Mai. We already have a room set up for us when we get there. Ke, who ran the guest house when we were there last time has arrange a room for us at Grace House formarly known as C House. We will get to see her this evening since she will be calling and dropping in. Looking forward to seeing her again and finding out how her family is.
Time to check out my emails
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