Hey, just a quick update, to let you know what we have been up too!
The weather has been super hot this week! It has been about 34c the last few days and tomorrow is supposed to reach 40c! Being in the city when its hot isnt good, unless your in a air conditioned shop, so we are off to Coogee Beach for the day tomorrow! The second time this week infact!
I had a job interview the other day for a sales assistant in little cake shop/cafe in the rocks near the opera house and harbour bridge, really nice area. I find out on monday if i will get a trial. Fingers Crossed!
Paul hasnt had a proper interview yet! Other than that we have been slowly making our way through lost (on series 3 now!)
Hopefully the next blog will be a little more interesting!
Oh and we have an address now:
1108 / 352 Sussex Street, Landmark Apartments, Sydney, 2000, NSW, Australia.
Post is very much welcomed and would make me very excited! I love post!
Hope your all well back home!
Lisa x
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