YO! Simmons here.
I'm Still in Christchurch but im leaving 2morro..... no really i am leaving this time (this time being about the 5th time i have left)
since liv went me and matt have done.......... no ...... we havnet done anything really. matt has being getting ready top go walking and ive been training for my cycle.
my training consisted of sitting from long periods of time doing almost nothing until i made my self ill. matt has done the same. this however does not mean that we have achived nothing. if you look at ouy pictures for Christchurch you will see the picture of a skiman that we made out of beer bottles and cans with are fellow sitters and do nothingers Ad and Mikey (also pictured)
despite this 2morro i'm embarking on a 487k cycle to queenstown. i expect it to take 3-4 hours.
il keep you updated on my progress if i can. if not i'l tell you about it in queenstown.
ps i didnt want to write a blog about me doing nothing but my mum made me :( darn telephones
ok. i leave you to chuckle at the thought of me doing exersise.
if i dont make it dedicate a bench to me in one of my favourate sitting spots.
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