Let's start with last night first... Couldn't really sleep because all my bites were itching like mad... But more noteworthy is the mini earthquake we experienced! The room proper shook for at least a minute or more... Was so surreal, even dream like, until we all spoke about it when we woke up! Crazy stuff! Went for a run with Barbs this morning, felt so good to be doing proper exercise again!! Got back and showered and sat around waiting for my interview call which unfortunately never came, and then at 9:30 I was told I'd be called in 45 minutes... I had to catch the bus then and knew there was a risk I'd lose signal, which I did... So have missed the interview call and feel quite uneasy but I sincerely hope the circumstances can be understood- I was ready for my call as scheduled and they delayed it by an hour... Holding thumbs they will give me another go!
So our first stop today was to hike to three waterfalls... Wowzers! A run did not help the legs on this one! The hike was really hardcore- through and up thick jungle, mud and branches! All three waterfalls were stunning - we even went right behind one! So so cool... It was really hard work but loved getting a bit down and dirty! We hiked for a solid 3 hours and were then dropped off back at the hostel so we could go pick up some lunch! We went down to a little spot called La Orchidia which is actually a local lady's own home where she makes delicious CHEAP home meals... We had an amazing chicken, rice and salad meal and it was all for only $3!! We could not believe it!!
Our next stop for the afternoon was to what is known as the mini canyon- and it is exactly that... A mini canyon with clear blue water running right through it... Our tour guide - an American volunteer at the hostel called Brady- was not the best driver and had us all on edge for a bit, even hitting a poor bird at one point :( We finally arrived safely... At this stage it was pouring with rain but actually added to the whole experience! Really felt like I was in the think of Panama today... We jumped off the cliffs of the canyon (after much coercing for me) and swam in the rain for ages.. There were little fish everywhere (the kind that they use in spas to nibble at your feet)... Kinda gross! We were soaking wet obviously but really did love that experience!
Our next stop was to the hot pools... Absolutely boiling!! Not my favourite- far far too hot... But so cool to experience! The one hot pool was located right by the river so we actually chilled in the cold river instead... At one stage, me, Vicks and Barbara were just lying on a rock with the river streaming past us- so cool! Finally it was time to head home around 7pm... Such an incredible day!!
We went back to our lady for dinner (steak and onions and potatoes... Yum!!) and then used the hostel showers etc to get ready for our overnight bus to Panama City... Quite the operation as we had no room to use so literally just sorted through our things in the common tv room- one really does become organized and practical on these types of travels!!
I'm now sitting on the shuttle to David where we will catch the 11:45pm bus to Panama City... There's wifi on this shuttle which is just rad! We have quite a few days now in Panama City due to our boat having to leave a day later (border is literally closed for a week! Mad!!)... What a cool day!! Going to be sore tomorrow but don't care!!
Lesson of the day: Don't trust Italian time...
Moment of the day: Standing behind the waterfall in the jungle!!
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