Hello Si and Lil; remarkably envious of your jaunt. I am now ensconced with the tax office in southend so no glamour there. Missus due to drop child 2 this saturday so any pretence to a social life is rapidly disappearing. You can understand my green tinge I hope. Catch up when you get back Simon
Helen, Rog & Archie
40-odd kangaroos on our block - so don't worry - you'll see some soon!
Justin, Leaf And Daniel
Hi Bruce and Shiela,
Great to catch up with you both via the blog. Just a quick update from the Hawkins clan..
Young Daniel is growing fast, can almost roll over onto his tummy and may have said Dada the other day. He has outgrown his Moses Basket and has moved into his cot - he's having his first night on his own in his room tonight - its 8:30pm and no crying yet!
This is the slippery slope though, I expect he will be into loud rock music and cigarette smoking any time now, probably before you get back!
We've been down to see baby Lisa who is now eating solids. Uncle Gaylord has taken up eating baby rice and apple puree already.
Reading your blog makes us remember our 100 days around the world, great fun!
Take care and see you soon! love Leaf, Justin and Daniel XXx
Hi - Australia is sounding like a bit of an endurance test but great to read about! Have confirmed and settled up the accomm. in Sydney. Only 3 wks Thurs til we set off. Very excited.
Went to London with Dan and Emma to see Kate and Dave on Saturday. K & D home this weekend for Camilla's wedding. Pete in Norway.
Luv m xx
Dc Hunt, Fbi
was there a jailbreak in luang prabang
i saw pictures of convicts in chair
surrounded by hair
Gaylords, Winnie & Lisa
Love your blogs and photos. The rice terrace reminds me of my childhood in China!
Lisa has been babbling lots lately and starting to say ma ma, so cute! Kai is trying hard to get her to say Ba Ba haha!
Hola! I can see that ur making good use of the little laptop!. All the foods look lush over there! had any Demae Ramens? LOL.
Happy holidays! x x x
Si And Lil
Hi - thanks for all your messages we really appreciate receiving them.
We had a bit of a backlog of updates as internet access in Cambodia was not great so there are 3 lots of blog and photos.
Hope we are not making you too sick. We are continuing to have a great time.
Hope you enjoy Darryl and Martha's wedding.
Si and Lil
Try Skyping this weekend - Darryl's stag and Belly, Callum etc staying round
Busy week - did a 23 hour day on Monday but that was mainly down to booze. Amy and Stu coming round for dinner tonight.
Keep it real kids - wheelies and bunny hops are cool but dont recommend you try them you coord!!!!
Mr Baggins
Hey you two roving reporters,
How's the "Delta to the DMZ "
Ok I will not write a load of Good Moring Vietname quotes.
Like the fact you mentioned you ate a the same place as Mick Jagger, suppose that's better than them saying this is where Gary Glitter used to 'Han out ...'.The Warriors looked amazing in China, where to next ?
DM just announced a new album next year and concert dates, Wiser and me have been annoying people with DM song quotes via email for days in excitement!!!!!!
'Well I juts can't get enough' of your travel updates.Becareful when your 'Behind the wheel ' of you moped.Lil , yu looking at ' A career in Korea ? "
hobbit out
Hello there...I'm loving your blog..in fact I've swapped my bedtime reading for your travel instalments! Only problem is it gives me itchy feet! Glad you're having a magical time...you left at the right time...much talk about our impending financial doom here. No sun but beautifully fresh and autumny! Off to Amsterdam with Mark and a few others on Sat - should be fun! Keep snapping..much love, Lou x
Just checked out your latest pics in Hanoi! I recognise that nice toilet - its just like the ones in Water Sky restaurant in Bristol!!! ha ha
Andy Heywood
Morning phileas and fogg
Photos look great, just wondering how your managing to actually see anything apart from righting your blog! Have you hired a writer to follow you! However did the ballooon before you get off the ground with that fatty in it! Did you call me yesterday Si? hello you dan and reedo, hows things?