Lil, looks like an amazing trip, hope you doing the odd run now and again to soak up all those noodles! I personally would rather be here in cold, wet London doing ECM P&L and tackling other exciting spreadsheets......not! Keep the photos flowing, great to see them
Hi Guys! Looks like you are having a balll! Great pictures of the soldiers! Surprised that the catering could only offer a cup noodle!! hahaa.... Anyways, will fill you in on our local gossip once I clear all of Frog's purchases from Cabot Circus!! Have fun
Rich & Frogs
Just me and mongo saying hello - dan is still in bed snoring! Your photos are great - all very envious back here. Kate and Dave are back from their honeymoon and had an amazing time. We had a welcome back dinner round your mum and pete's on tuesday with the rowes. Not much else to report, off walking today hopefully. Mongo contines to be my little buddy, no more sofa faux-pas happy to say. Winter is starting to set in here and the heating is on! New yoga course starting tomorrow. Take care both and lots of love - we have a webcam now especially to chat to you at some point. xx p.s the new posh Bear is good, great food. we'll have to go when you get back.
Dan And Reedo
Si, Lil
Enjoying keeping track of your trip. Things back to normal here this week after the wedding. Plans for Darry's stag are progressing - cider, football, cider, curry, cider, rugby. A gang of us are trying the 'new Bear' for dinner on Saturday to celebrate Reedo and Mazzo's birthdays.
Stay safe and keep blogging
Dan & Em and Mongo
Mr Baggins
Hey you Two found the way to Mordor yet ??
Sounds like the Golden Arches are a welcome break for local nosh, how is the McLizard Tower and fried ants? watch for the mayo ain't mayo !!
Great to hear your news, wet and cold hear in London, Credit Swiss has just closed down for the winter .
Leaf, Justin And Daniel
Hi Lil and Simon,
Hello from us. We've just enjoyed a nice Sunday dim sum lunch with Frog and Rich and Rich's mum in Dynasty Bristol, then followed it up with a trip to Cabot Circus. I think there were 17 million people there, most of them queueing to get into Costa Coffee.
Frog has been to the new shops every day since it opened last week. There are lots of window shoppers, not many buyers! At least it hasn't caught fire like the new shopping centre in Bath!
Leaf, Justin and Daniel XXX
Note from your sponsors : Inadequate use of the Credit Suisse logo in photographs. Not sure you read the small print, but head to toe in CS logos was definitely a pre-requisite for sign off.
p.s - Team has completely slacked off without you. Leon's working weekends!!!!!
Looks great - hope you are having a fab time. Love M/Cx
Mr Baggins
Hi Si and Lil,
Looks like you guys are having lots of fun over there. Si don't know why you worried dieting before you went, Lizard on a stick does not look like it is loaded with calories !
All good here.Just been for the weekly lunch at the Regency, Jules Holland was in ...tried to steal a chip , cheekt bast%rd!
Sam Start
Hi from back here in sunny Bristol! Great to see what you have been up to, I'm sooo jealous! Thanks for the text the other day, sorry we didn't get to catch up before you went, it came along so very quickly! Hope you have a fantastic trip, I will continue to visit your website. Take care and have fun. Sam x