We had pre booked an appartment for the 7 of us i Byron Bay in a hostel called Holiday Vilage which was to become our little home for the next four days, and God were we going to spend a lot of time in there! Basically along with our first night on the goon to celebrate sians's birthday eve came he beginning of the rain which was to last pretty solidly for our whole time in Byron. And by rain I mean torrential storm rain which caused floods all over the place. The result of this was a four day bender in which we spent far too long either in bed or generally hanging around the appartment with occasional trips to Cheeky Monkeys ( a club across the road from our hostel that Sian got thrown out of on her birthday and a bouncer threw a pint over tom, throw in some dancing on tables and a few free drinks and im sure you can create a picture) and of course a few trips to woolworths to stock up of necessary supplies of food and alcohol before more 'family bonding' in the evening. Amazingly on out last day as we waited around to get our buses and go our seperate ways the weather was gorgeous. This did mean though we got one lovely day on the beach together and sat on the cliff top accompanied by some nice cold beer and freddies ( never annoying) guitar. Genuinely upset to be leaving everyone we got on our bus to Brisbane the boys and Dee waved us off before heading to Sydney. SH xx
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