OK where was I. I think that we had arrived in Agra.
We quickly went straight out after arriving at the hotel and we were very hungry so we decided to stop for a quick bite to eat and we happenend to drive by a McDonalds and we just couldnt pass up the opportunity to see what they are like. Of course there is no beef on the menu and the only meat was a burger with chicken. We all got McVeggie burgers and they were fantastic, as well as really cheap. Then we headed for Agra fort. It is a huge palace built a long time ago, the year escapes me as we have visited a lot of palaces and temples in India. It was used by the British for a couple of hundred years and now the Indian military uses it now. But the parts that are open are fantastic. It is famous for parts of it being made of marble with very beautiful in lays of precious stones. The detail is awesome and it must of taken years and years for people to do.
Then we drove to the Tag Mahal. It is actually a tomb for one of the kings wifes, it also has 2 mosques next to it so it is closed on Fridays. Viewing it is awesome as it is so big and so white, and so perfect!! We walked around it for a good hour just looking. One interesting thing that happenend while we were there was that so many people wanted to take pictures of us. It really reminded me of Taniman square in China, because the same thing happenend there. So we will be in some strange poeples photos hanging on the wall of there house.Then we went out to our drivers friends restaurant, it was good food as always although a little pricey.
A couple more things about our trip so far is that everwhere we go people, mainly men, say everywhere is the bathroom. I mean in the middle of busy streets people are just peeing. Also if you are under 7 you dont ever where pants and you pee and poo all over the street. But i guess that is because diapers are far to expensive considering that most people only make $400 a year, and that is the rich of the poor they say.
The next morning we said godbye to our driver of the past 5 days and gave him and big tip. Actually so far in India all our money has gone to tips, everyone gets something from tourists they say. Thne we hopped into the superfast train to Jhonsi, well it actually took 4 hours to go 150km, so much like a car.
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