As per usual I got up really early to make my way to Melaka to catch the 8am bus to KL and then a connecting bus to Melaka. I had some company for the first leg of the journey with someone that I met in the Cameron Highlands and then the second part was only short. I hadn't realised thought that when you arrived in Melaka unlike the other bus journeys that I had taken the bus didn't actually stop in the centre of town and I had no idea to get there. Luckily there was actually an organised British couple on my bus who were also going to Melaka so I tagged along with them on the bus to the centre. I also as per usual hadn't written down the address or worked out how to get to my hostel and for some reason they had a map that showed me the way. I think I was very jammy bumping into them.
Anyway I finally arrived at my hostel about 4pm. Not too bad. As per usual I freshened up before heading out for an exploration of the town. i didn't do too much exploring as it's a small town and I had all of the next day to do this. I did find the most amazing sorbet place though and had a cup of Mango sorbet. I also had an early dinner as I was so hungry not having eaten since breakfast. The town itself seemed really dead even though it was early evening. So I didn't spend much longer out after having eaten and went back to my hostel. When I got there, there was a group of people that had been travelling together that I tried talking to / get to know. But it was clear quite quickly that they were a cliquey group of people and before long they left the hostel, so I was left on my tod. Luckily for me after a couple of hours spent on the internet passing the time, two guys that I had met in the Cameron Highlands and whom had missed the 8am bus turned up at the hostel. I don't think they had a particularly good journey to Melaka. So I joined them whilst they had food and hung out with them for the evening.
The next day I got up fairly early to try and seize the day. Also my stomache woke me up demanding food! So at about 8am I went off in search of food only to discover that nothing opens untill 9.30am! So I went back to the hostel and procrastinated untill I could find some breakfast. After food I took a slow stroll around the town following the Lonely Planet's walk around town. After a few hours though I had walked the whole thing. So after lunch there was literally nothing left to do. I went to the postoffice and booked my ticket to Singapore. i have just realised that I haven't actually mentioned that Melaka is a beautiful town and is the most picturesque place that I have visted in Malaysia. It's just so small and very quaint. In the evening me and a man from denmark went for a walk which was really pleasant and grabbed some dinner. It was a really nice evening. i was however really tired due to lack of sleep from inconsiderate people in my dorm the previous evening. So I had a really early night. Especially as i needed to leave my hostel at another ridiculous time of 7.30am tomorrow morning to make sure that I got the bus on time to Singapore.
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